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In this section, the Syndeia Web Dashboard capabilities for Bitbucket repositories are presented.


Add a Bitbucket Repository

[Updated for BB]

(1) Click the Repositories icon in the LHS menu pane.


  • URL - Base URL of your Bitbucket repository.

    • For Bitbucket cloud Cloud (wwwbitbucket.Bitbucket.comorg), use

    • For Bitbucket Enterprise deployed in your organization, check the URL from your Bitbucket Enterprise administrator.

  • Name - Name of the Bitbucket repository. Provide a unique name to distinguish this Bitbucket repository from others you may add.

  • Description - Description of the Bitbucket repository

  • Authentication type - Basic (default)

  • Username - Username to sign in to your Bitbucket repository.

    • Enter the

    same username that you use on the Bitbucket web client.
    • Bitbucket username, or

    • Enter the email address associated with your Bitbucket account

  • Password - Password to sign in to your Bitbucket repository.



Browse a Bitbucket Repository

[Updated for BB]

(1) Expand the Bitbucket repository after it has been added.

(2) If your repository details are correct, Syndeia Cloud will try to sign in to the Bitbucket repository and display three categories of Git Repositories, as shown below:

  • Repositories as org member - Lists all Organizations that you are a member of. Expand any Organization to view the Git Repositories accessible to you in that Organization.

  • Repositories as collaborator - Lists all Git Repositories accessible to you as a collaborator.

  • Repositories as owner - Lists all Git Repositories accessible to you as an owner.


(3and display various Bitbucket workspaces relevant to you.

(3) Expand any of the workspaces for a list of Git repositories under that workspace.

(4) If you do not see all of the Git repositories listed, click on the cloud icon in the upper right corner of the screen (as shown in the screenshot below) to fetch more results. You can keep on doing that until that icon is greyed out which means that there are no more results to fetch.


Image Added

(5) Expand a Git Repository to view contents organized by Branches, Commits, Issues, and Tags

(46) Branches - Expand the Branches category to view all Branches in the Git Repository, as shown in the view above. Expand a Branch to views its file and folder contents, as shown in the view below.

(57) Commits - Expand the Commits category to view all Commits in the Git Repository.

(6) Issues- Expand the Issues category to view all Issues in the Git Repository, as shown in the view below. (7) 8) Tags - Expand the Tags category to view all Tags in the Git Repository, as shown in the view below.


Search a Bitbucket Repository

[Updated for BB]

Users can search for Git Repositories or resources in a Git Repository. Click on the Search icon 🔍 on the RHS to see the Search tab.

(1) Search for Git Repositories

  • Select the workspace in which you want to search for a Git Repository.

  • Select the Repository option, as shown below.

  • Specify any text string contained in the name of the Git Repositories you are searching for.

  • Click the Search button. Results are shown on the RHS.


(2) Search resources in a Git Repository

  • Select the workspace in which you want to search.

  • Select the Resources in a repository option, as shown below.

  • Select a specific Git Repository by selecting the Repository Scope and then picking a specific Git Repository in that scope, from the drop-down as shown below.

  • Pick the type of resource you want to search in the selected Git Repository. You can search for Branches, Commits, Issues, or Tags in a Git Repository.


  • Image Added

  • Branch search


  • Commit searchSearchIssue search


  • Tag searchSearch



Digital Thread Explorer

(1) See an overview of the Digital Thread Explorer - Digital Thread Explorer
