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Comment: Step 6: clarify Note

Table of Contents



1.  Ensure you have the downloaded to your home directory (or home directory's Downloads folder) from the download/license instructions sent out by our team.  

(info)  Note: the .ZIP will pre-create a separate folder for its contents when extracted so there is no need to pre-create a separate folder for it.  

2.  Ensure you satisfy Janusgraph's pre-requisites, ie: have (Open|Oracle)JDK/JRE + Apache Cassandra (& optionally Elasticsearch) installed.  Re. CPU, memory, HD space, etc. this will depend on how much data you expect to store, query, and graph.  

3.  If using a firewall, ensure the following port is accessible (consult your local network admin if required): TCP port 8182 (this is the port to listen to for client connections).  


Downloading & Extracting JanusGraph


- Create/update janusgraph-current symlink to specified version, default = 0.3.1
- Create a new syndeia_admin superuser in Cassandra with a password you specify
- Create a new syndeia_cloud_graph and syndeia_cloud_graph_config keyspaces
GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS ON KEYSPACE syndeia_cloud_graph TO syndeia_admin
GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS ON KEYSPACE syndeia_cloud_graph_config TO syndeia_admin
- Run a Groovy JanusGraph setup script to set storage params for your graph and build indexes
- Create a renamed copy of the file /opt/janusgraph-<release_ver>/conf/ as with: 

Add storage.username=syndeia_admin
Add storage.password=<password_specified>

- If you installed Elasticsearch on the same machine, add and to use Elasticsearch for search indexing
- Create a renamed copy of the file /opt/janusgraph-<release_ver>/conf/gremlin-server/gremlin-server-configuration.yaml as gremlin-server-configuration-syndeia.yaml and set ConfigurationManagementGraph to point to  
- Install systemd .service file for JanusGraph service
- Start JanusGraph service

(info) Note: you may be prompted for sudo authentication,.  you You will also be prompted for your cassandra account password (default = cassandra), to set your syndeia_admin password and the FQDN of your Cassandra host.  

(warning)  Avoid any of the following special characters: \?*[]+#&.{}$ when setting your syndeia_admin password.


Managing JanusGraph:

7. To check the status of Syndeia Cloud services, use systemctl status janusgraph.  You can verify that it started by verifying "Active: active (running)" shows up in the output: 


9. To view the logs for JanusGraph, use sudo journalctl -eu janusgraph & less /opt/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2/log/gremlin-server.log.  To follow the log files, you can use sudo journalctl -feu janusgraph & tail -f /opt/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2/log/gremlin-server.log.  You should see output similar to the following (abridged) text:

(info) Note, for your convenience you may wish to create a symlink to /opt/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2/log/ from /var/log, ie: sudo ln -nfs /opt/janusgraph-0.3.1-hadoop2/log/ /var/log/janusgraph


17. Three things need to occur:  you will need to change the Snitch (if not already done for Cassandra), alter the keyspace Replication Factor (RF), and run nodetool repair on each node (see for a summary of the process).

  1. Change the Snitch:  see "Switching Snitches":
  2. Alter the RF:  verify the Cassandra “datacenter” name (default = dc1) from the CLI by running nodetool status and then from Cassandra CQLSH increment the RF for your JanusGraph keyspace(s):

    Code Block
    ALTER KEYSPACE syndeia_cloud_graph WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<datacenter_name>' : <total_number_of_nodes> };
    -- where <datacenter_name> = the name of the datacenter as shown via nodetool status, and <total_number_of_nodes> = total # of nodes (in the cluster)
    ALTER KEYSPACE syndeia_cloud_graph_config WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<datacenter_name>' : <total_number_of_nodes> };
    -- where <datacenter_name> = the name of the datacenter as shown via nodetool status, and <total_number_of_nodes> = total # of nodes (in the cluster)

  3. Run nodetool repair:  Run nodetool repair --full <keyspace_name> on each node (for more details see

18. Follow  "Things to Consider in a Multi-Node JanusGraph Cluster"


Code Block
:remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml session
:remote console
graph ='syndeia_cloud_graph');
// should return: ==>standardjanusgraph[cql:[]]
g = graph.traversal();

(info) The last 2 commands above should not return any results since the graph (syndeia_cloud_graph) is empty - no vertices or edges.

19.4.  Type :quit   

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