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  1. Log on to the Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard (see Video 1.9) and click on the Graph Queries icon on the left border.

  2. The first task is to compile a list of GitLab Artifacts of a specific type. Per Figure 1, ArtifactTypes are owned by (specific to) a Repository. We typically want to begin by creating a list of Artifact types available in such a Repository.

    1. If we use Query Builder (Figure 3), we select ArtifactType from the pull-down menu under Label.

    2. To restrict the list of ArtifactTypes to our current GitLab repository, we click Filters. We will filter by the name of our Repository, so we select Repository from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the Name property and under Property Value, we enter Gitlab@Icax. We then click the Plus (plus) button to add the filter in the bottom list and the window should look similar to Figure 4. Click Close.

  3. Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all ArtifactTypes in Gitlab@Icax, may be displayed in table form as in Figure 5. Key ArtifactType properties in the table are Name and Key because we will use these in the next search. Click the Exports icon to export the list as a CSV file for future reference, if desired.

  4. Note at the top of Figure 5, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query. We could have performed the same search with the same results by going to the Raw Query mode and entering this query directly.


  5. The final part of the first task is to generate a list of all Artifacts of type source within the Gitlab@Icax Repository. Note that Syndeia will return only those GitLab Sources that are connected within the Syndeia Cloud graph or own elements that are connected within the Syndeia Cloud graph, not all Sources in the repository.

    1. We can search by ArtifactType Name ("source") or Key (ART-TYPE243), which we got from the table in Figure 5. Generally, it is better to search by Key, which is unique within the Syndeia Cloud database, rather than Name, which is not unique.

    2. If we use Query Builder, we select Artifact from the pull-down menu under Label, as in Figure 6.

    3. To restrict the list of Artifacts to the GitLab source type, we click Filters. We will filter by the ArtifactType Key, so we select ArtifactType from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the sKey property and under Property Value, we enter ART-TYPE243, which we took from the table in Figure 5. After we click the Plus (plus) icon, the Filters window should look like Figure 7. Click Close.


  1. Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all Artifacts of type ART-TYPE243, which is owned by the repository Gitlab@Icax, may be displayed in table form as in Figure 8. Click the Exports icon to export the list as a CSV file for future reference, if desired.


  1. Note at the top of Figure 5, the Query Builder Note at the top of Figure 5, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query. We could have performed the same search with the same results by going to the Raw Query mode and entering this query directly.

  2. The second task is to compile a list of GitLab Artifacts in a specific GitLab Resource. Per Figure 2, Resources in GitLab are Containers. We will begin by creating a list of Containers available in a GitLab Repository.

    1. If we use Query Builder (Figure 9), we select Container from the pull-down menu under Label.

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      Figure 9 Graph Queries page (icon outlined in red) – Query Builder

    2. To restrict the list of Containers to our current GitLab repository, we click Filters. We will filter by the name of our Repository, so we select Repository from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the Name property and under Property Value, we enter Gitlab@Icax. We then click the Plus (plus) button to add the filter in the bottom list and the window should look similar to Figure 10. Click Close.

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      Anchor_Ref74291713_Ref74291713Figure 10 Query Builder Filters window
  3. Back on the Graph Queries Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all Containers in Gitlab@Icax may be displayed in table form as in Figure 11. Key Container properties in the table are Name and Key because we will use these in the next search. Click the Exports icon to export the list as a CSV file for future reference, if desired.

    Caution: The list of GitLab Containers in Figure 11 includes both Namespaces and Projects. Because the Syndeia data model in Figure 1 does not map perfectly to the GitLab data model in Figure 2, Gremlin queries related to Namespaces work irregularly and we will only be working with Projects as Containers. The list also does not include all Containers in the Gitlab@Icax repository. Only those Projects that own Artifacts that are connected to other models (or are connected directly themselves) appear on the list. Other GitLab Projects that do not involve connections to other repositories are not part of the Syndeia Cloud graph and do not appear in Gremlin graph query results.


  1. Note at the top of Figure 11, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query. We could have performed the same search with the same results by going to the Raw Query mode and entering this query directly.


  2. The final part of the second task is to generate a list of all Artifacts in a specific Container within the Gitlab@Icax Repository. Note that Syndeia will return only those GitLab Artifacts that are connected within the Syndeia Cloud graph, not all Artifacts in the container or repository.

    1. We can search by Container Name ("Maritime_ESOH") or Key (CONT955), which we got from the table in Figure 11. Generally, it is better to search by Key, which is unique within the Syndeia Cloud database, rather than Name, which is not unique.

    2. If we use Query Builder, we select Artifact from the pull-down menu under Label, as in Figure 12.

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      Anchor_Ref74293078_Ref74293078Figure 12 Query Builder, Artifact search
    3. To restrict the list of Artifacts To restrict the list of Artifacts to the GitLab Project Maritime_ESOH, we click Filters. We will filter by the Container Key, so we select Container from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the sKey property and under Property Value, we enter CONT955, which we took from the table in Figure 11. After we click the Plus (plus) icon, the Filters window should look like Figure 13. Click Close.


  1. Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all Artifacts in Container CONT955, which is owned by the repository Gitlab@Icax, may be displayed in table form as in Figure 14. Note that only GitLab elements that are part of the Syndeia Cloud graph appear; there may be other GitLab elements in this Project without connections to other repositories that do not appear.


  1. Note at the top of Figure 14, the Note at the top of Figure 14, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query. We could have performed the same search with the same results by going to the Raw Query mode and entering this query directly.

  2. The third task is to compile a list of GitLab Artifacts that are connected as part of a specific Syndeia Project. Syndeia Projects are partitions within the Syndeia Cloud graph database that separate different projects or system models. Syndeia Projects are Containers owned by the Syndeia Repository. Unlike GitLab Projects, Syndeia Projects contain only relations, the inter-model relations that define the "macrostructure" of the Digital Thread for that system or project. In this case, we are looking not for the GitLab elements directly; we are looking for inter-model connections where one end is a GitLab element.

  3. We will begin by creating a list of Containers available in the Syndeia Repository.

    1. If we use Query Builder (Figure 15), we select Container from the pull-down menu under Label.

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      _Ref74295216_Ref74295216Figure 15 Graph Queries page (icon outlined in red) – Query Builder

    2. To restrict the list of Containers to the Syndeia repository, we click Filters. We will filter by the name of our Repository, so we select Repository from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the Name property and under Property Value, we enter Syndeia Repository. We then click the Plus (plus) button to add the filter in the bottom list and the window should look similar to Figure 16. Click Close.

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      Anchor_Ref74294096_Ref74294096Figure 16 Query Builder Filters window
  4. Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all Containers in the Syndeia Repository may be displayed in table form as in Figure 17. Key Container properties in the table are Name and Key because we will use these in the next search. Click the Exports icon to export the list as a CSV file for future reference, if desired.


  1. as a CSV file for future reference, if desired.

  2. Note at the top of Figure 17, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query. We could have performed the same search with the same results by going to the Raw Query mode and entering this query directly.
    g.V().has('sLabel','Container').where(outE().has('sLabel','ownedBy').inV().has('name','Syndeia Repository'))

  3. The next part of the third task is to generate a list of all Relations within a specific Syndeia Project.

    1. We can search by Container Name ("Dirk Sandbox 15") or Key (DZSB15), which we got from the table in Figure 17. Generally, it is better to search by Key, which is unique within the Syndeia Cloud database, rather than Name, which is not unique.

    2. _Ref74294016Figure 18 Query Builder, Artifact search

      If we use Query Builder, we select Relation from the pull-down menu under Label, as in Figure 18. Remember, the Syndeia Projects contain relations, not artifacts.

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    3. To restrict the list of Relations to a specific Syndeia Project, we click Filters. We will filter by the Container Key, so we select Container from the pull-down menu at the top marked Property of. Under Property Key, we select the sKey property and under Property Value, we enter DZSB15, which we took from the table in Figure 17. After we click the Plus (plus) icon, the Filters window should look like Figure 19. Click Close.


    1. Close.

  1. Back on the Graph Queries page, click Run. The results, a list of all Relations in Container DZSB15, which is owned by the Syndeia Repository, may be displayed in table form as in Figure 20. Note that all relations within the project appear, not just those with a GitLab artifact at one end.


  1. The final step is to identify the GitLab source elements that participate in these relations, but this cannot be done in Query Builder alone. Note at the top of Figure 20, the Query Builder utility has created a Gremlin query.
    We will use the Gremlin query language to append an additional condition. First, we will add an additional traversal step to go to the vertices at the end of the relations. Since we don't know whether the GitLab requirement will have an incoming or outgoing relation in the Syndeia project, we use the bothV() step to cover both ends.


  1. g.E().has('sLabel','Relation').has('container','DZSB15').bothV()
    Next, we will check all vertices for ArtifactType. Going back to the table in Figure 5, we choose GitLab source, ART-TYPE243.
    If we select Raw Query and enter this in the Gremlin Query field, we generate the table in Figure 21, showing all GitLab elements of ART-TYPE243 used in the Syndeia Project DZSB15


  1. There are alternate ways to approach the problem. If we wanted to search for GitLab elements in a specific GitLab Project (CONT955) that were used in a Syndeia Project (DZSB15), we could reformulate the query using the first part from Step 20 and the second part from Step 13.
    g.E().has('sLabel','Relation').has('container','DZSB15').bothV().where(outE().has('sLabel','ownedBy') .inV().has('sKey','CONT955'))