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  1. Log on to the Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard (see Video 1.9) and click on the Repositories icon on the left border (Figure 2).

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Figure 2 : SWD Repositories page (initial) – Repositories icon outlined in red


Figure 7 : SWD Repositories page, Search feature (Search icon and search result highlighted in red)

7. Select a VOLTA element in the Tree View column ( Beam_Optimization_Process_Mode in our example) and click on the Relations icon on the right.

  1. In the Relations window (Figure 8), you will see a list of Inter-model relations, from the selected VOLTA item to other non-VOLTA models, and a list of Intra-model relations, from the selected VOLTA item to other VOLTA items in the same VOLTA repository. In this example, there are one Inter-model relations to a file in GitHub.

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Figure 8 : Syndeia Web Dashboard Repositories page, Relations lists (Relations and Add icons highlighted in red)

8. To create a reference connection between the selected VOLTA item and an element in another repository, click on the + (Add) icon highlighted in Figure 8. A Create Reference Relationships window will appear as in Figure 9.

  1. At the top, either select an existing Syndeia project to save the connection within (DZSB26 in our example) or create a new project. See Video 1.5 on creating Syndeia projects for further discussion.

  2. Under Select target artifact, choose the other repository to which the new connection will be made. In our example this is JIRA @ Intercax.

  3. If you have valid access to this repository, its contents will appear at the bottom of the window. Scroll down to the element that will be the target of the new connection and click the checkbox beside it. This is JIRA issue ADS-27 in our example.

  4. Each Syndeia connection has a directionality. The Select direction pull down menu higher up in the window allows the directionality to be set as desired before the connection is made.

  5. Click on the Create Reference Connection button at the bottom. The new connection should appear in the Inter-model list after the Reload icon is clicked.

  6. Click the Relations icon again to close the Relations window.

Note: In Syndeia release 3.5, it is not possible to create Model Transform inter-model connections or intra-model connections through the SWD. Some of those use cases will be added in future releases.


Figure 9 : Syndeia Web Dashboard- Create Reference Relationship window

9. The Digital Thread Explorer or DTE (Figure 10 - Figure 12) provides interactive visualization of inter-model and intra-model connections in a graph format. To launch DTE, right-click an item in the Tree View and choose Graph View. In our example, this is a VOLTA Model, Beam_Optimization_Process_Mode. Initially, it appears as a single node in the Graph View, as in Figure 10.


Figure 10 : Digital Thread Explorer, stage 1

10. Click on the node (it will show a black border when selected), right-click on it and choose Expand. If this element has any connections, they should appear as in Figure 11. In our example, the initial element had three intra-model connections to other VOLTA items (red circles, 3 sessions) and two inter-model connections, to a JIRA issue (blue) and a GitHub file (gray).


Figure 11 : Digital Thread Explorer, stage 2

11. If I right-click on one of the new nodes (JIRA issue ADS-27) and expand it, additional edges and nodes are displayed (Figure 12), including inter-model connections to a Collaborator review (light blue) and two SysML elements (purple) and an intra-model connection to another JIRA issue (blue). This process can continue until all connections are displayed.


Figure 12 : Digital Thread Explorer, stage 3

12. VOLTA items in either the Graph View or the Tree View offer direct access to that element in the VOLTA repository. If I right-click on Syndeia Test Product 1 in the diagram in Figure 12 and choose More Details, my browser will open to the same element in VOLTA as in Figure 13 (I may be required to log-in to VOLTA first).


Figure 13 : VOLTA browser interface launched from Syndeia Web Dashboard