Update for Syndeia Cloud 3.6 – This exercise assumes that the user has been assigned Global Graph Query permission by the Syndeia Cloud administrator in order to access the Graph Queries page. Screenshots in this tutorial were taken from an earlier release; the icons on the left margin of the figures and the graphical display format of query results have been modified but the instructions are otherwise unchanged.
Background – GitHub
As of Syndeia release 3.46, the Syndeia Web Dashboard can extract and display some model information from a GitHub repository. Figure 2 shows a tree view of this information, with labels identifying the GitHub element types. Note the different icons. The label color coding indicates how the GitHub element type is mapped to the Syndeia Cloud element types: Repository (green), Container (red), and Artifact (blue). The Syndeia GitHub integration supports a large number of standard and custom GitHub artifact types, including Branch, Commit, Issue, Tag, and File. A more complete diagram of the GitHub data model as it is understood by Syndeia is available through the web dashboard help menu on the left.
It is also important to understand the limitations of graph queries with respect to the GitHub repositories. As of Syndeia 3.46, graph queries cannot extract the internal structure of a GitHub repository, i.e. they cannot be used to obtain the full structure of the GitHub repository or internal (intra-model) relations between GitHub artifacts. Graph queries are most useful in viewing inter-model connections from GitHub elements to other repositories.