The Connection Browser displays existing connections between the SysML model elements and repository elements, as shown in Figure 80 . Five characteristics of each connection are shown:
- SysML Element
- Connection (shows Name of the connection ID)
- Connection Type
- Type of the connection
- Target artifact of the connection
- Target Repository - Repository owning the repository element connected to the SysML elementArtifacts – repository elements connected to the SysML elementtarget artifact of the connection
The small table icon on the right of the last column can be used to show/hide columns. The Connection ID column is hidden by default.
The connections are presented per the SysML model element structure. When a SysML model element is expanded, such as the Aircraft_Platform block shown in Figure 80figure below, the connections for that element can be seen, such as connection C52 (highlighted) between the Aircraft Platform block and Aircraft Platform part version A.12 in a Windchill repository. A single SysML element can have 0 or more connections associated with it.
Figure 80: Right-click menu for rows in the Connection Browser
as shown below.
Right clicking on a single row (or multiple selected7 selected rows) in the table provides several options, as shown in Figure 80. If the row is a SysML element, the first three options allow the user to expand, collapse, or refresh the display of sub-elements or connections within that element. If the row contains a Syndeia connection (blue arrows icon under SysML element), the top three options are grayed out , (as in the case shown in Figure 80shown above). The Go to option allows users to switch to another package—different package, different from the one whose contents are currently displayed. Selecting the Compare SysML & Target option will invoke Syndeia's compare function that will compare the source and target of the connection. If you right clicked on a SysML element, then Syndeia will first collect all the connections in the context of that element recursively before invoking the compare function. If you right clicked on connection(s), then Syndeia will only compare the selected connection(s). Similarly, the Sync SysML → Target menu compares the source and target of the connection, and then updates the target based on the source. The Sync Target → SysML menu results in the reverse. Selecting the Delete Connection(s) menu will delete the selected connections.
Each column may be filtered by clicking on the column headerinverted black triangle next to that column name. The choices are
- (All) – All rows are shown
- (Empty) – Only rows where this column value is empty are shown
- (Custom…) – A custom filter dialog box is shown, as in Figure 81. Only rows whose contents obey the filtering criterion are shown.
- Specific selections that appear in that column
For example, to view only those SysML elements that have a connection to one or more repository element, apply the “is not empty” condition on the Connection column. Similarly, to view all connections to a specific repository (such as a MySQL repository) apply a filter to the Repository column.