- Unzip the the tsm._graphdb.zip file file provided with this package. Make sure that the full path of the the tsm._graphdb folder folder does not have any spaces. For example, the following will work: C:\Users\Manas\Neo\tsm._graphdb, but the following will not work: C:\Users\Manas Bajaj\Neo 4j\tsm._graphdb
- Stop your existing Neo4j database by clicking on the Stop button.
Figure 33: Click OK to continue Click the Choose button and select the tsm._graphdb folder.
Run the following Cypher query to get all nodes and edges in the TSM graphClick the Start button to start the Neo4j database
Click on the hyperlink http://localhost:7474/ or type it directly in your web browser
Click the Start button to start the Neo4j databaseRun the following Cypher query to get all nodes and edges in the TSM graph
match (n)-[r]->(m) return n,r,m
You should see similar results as Figure 34. If you expand the node types and relationship types in the top of the Neo4j browser window, you will see SysML nodes, e.g. Requirement, and non-SysML nodes, e.g. DOORSWindchill_NG_Requirementpart.
Figure 34: Get all nodes and edges in the TSM graphRun the following query to get all connections between SysML and DOORS-NG
The red nodes are SysML requirements and grey nodes are DOORS-NG elements (requirements, requirement collections, modules).
Figure 35: Get all connections between SysML and DOORS-NGRun the following Cypher query to get all connections between SysML and DOORS-NG, including relationships between SysML elements
match(r:Requirement)-[rel:REQUIREMENT_DOORSNG_MODEL_TRANSFORM_CONNECTION|Containment]->(x) return r,rel,x
Now, you can also see containment relationships between the SysML requirements.
Figure 36: Get all SysML – DOORS-NG relations including those between SysML elementsRun the following Cypher query to get all reference connections in the TSM graph
match(r)-[rel:REFERENCE_CONNECTION]->(x) return r,rel,x
You should see the same results as Figure 37in the figure below. As shown on the top of the figure, the yellow nodes are SysML blocks, the purple nodes are JIRA tasks/issues, the red nodes are GitHub files, and the green nodes are Simulink model files. The query results indicate that each block in the SysML architecture is connected to a JIRA task/issue since JIRA is used for managing the work breakdown structure. The Flight Software and Mission Software blocks in the architecture are connected to corresponding folders/files in GitHub where the code is being version managed. The UAV block is also connected to a Simulink model that is used analyzing UAV performance.
Figure 37: Get all reference connections in the TSM graph(1)
Run the following Cypher query to get all connections to MySQL tables and rows
SysML blocks (radar, video_camera, thermal_camera) are connected to corresponding tables (red nodes) in MySQL database. Two specific radars, video cameras, and thermal cameras are connected to corresponding rows (green nodes) in the tables.
Figure 38: Get all connections to MySQL tables and rows in the TSM graphRun the following Cypher query to get all connections to Windchill parts
Figure 39: Get all connections to Windchill parts in the TSM graphRun the following Cypher query to check if the UAV block is related to the Windchill part Electrical System (version A.1).
match(b:Block{name:"UAV"})-[r*]->(t:Windchill_part{name:"Electrical System (A.1)"}) return r
The results show that the UAV block uses the Platform block which uses an Electrical System that is connected to the given Windchill part.
Figure 40: Trace relationships between the UAV block and a Windchill part in the TSM graph- Run the following Cypher query to trace all relationships between DOORS-NG and Windchill parts within 3 degrees of separation
match(r:DOORS_NG_Requirement_Collection)-[rel*..3]-(p:Windchill_part) return r,rel,p
Figure 41: Get traceability between DOORS-NG requirements / requirement collections and Windchill parts within 3 degrees of separation
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