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We will use the provided Rhapsody project Syndeia_JIRA_Mapping_Tutorial.rpy (Get it here -SysML Models, Profiles and Mappings.). The user can use any JIRA repository they have available with the ability to create and edit issues within a JIRA project. It is generally advisable to carry out these exercises in a non-production repository, a "sandbox", set up for training and practice purposes

We will use the Rhapsody project Syndeia_Jama_Mapping_Tutorial.rpy provided with the tutorials for this exercise, which loads the profile We also use the syndeia33TutorialRhp syndeia34TutorialRhp.mappings file provided, which has been installed in the .syndeia folder and renamed as syndeia.mappings.


  1. Open the SysML project Syndeia_JIRA_Mapping_Tutorial.rpy (Get it here -SysML Models, Profiles and Mappings.), right-click the JIRA package, and launch the Syndeia dashboard.

  2. Go to the Settings tab (Figure 1) and check Use mapping under the General heading, if not already checked. Click Apply.

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    Figure 1 Syndeia dashboard, Settings tab, Use mapping checked

  3. Go to the Mappings tab. The contents of the main area on the right will depend on the element selected on the left. Expand Mapping Groups and select SysML-JIRA on the left to see the existing mappings in this area (Figure 2).

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    Figure 2 Syndeia dashboard, Mappings tab, Mapping Groups/SysML-JIRA expanded on left

  4. The first task is to drag a SysML block into JIRA to create a JIRA issue.

    1. Go to the Connection Manager tab. In the right column, select the JIRA repository connection and expand Projects to show the project in which you want to create a new JIRA issue (The project is Syndeia Demo Box in our examples).

    2. Choose Model Transform in the central column.

    3. Drag-and-drop the System A block on the left onto the Syndeia Demo Box project on the right.

    4. A small pull-down menu will appear on the Syndeia dashboard, as in Figure 3, showing the possible mappings available for a block dragged into JIRA.

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      Figure 3 Syndeia dashboard, Connection Manager tab, drag System A block into Syndeia Demo Box project and select Block-Task mapping

    5. Select Block – Task (no attributes) and click OK.

    6. Expand the Syndeia Demo Box Project and Reported by me folder (Figure 4). A new JIRA issue (SDB-1985 in this example) has been created with default attribute values assigned by JIRA.

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      Figure 4 Connection Manager after new JIRA issue is created in Syndeia Demo Box project

  5. In our second task, we will use a different mapping to drag a hierarchy of SysML blocks into JIRA to create multiple JIRA issues and to link the attributes of the connected SysML and JIRA elements.

    1. Return to the Mappings tab in the Syndeia dashboard and select the mapping Block – Task (attributes) in the left column (Figure 5). This mapping is associated with a new SysML stereotype, <<JIRA_Artifact>>, which contains a set of tag values corresponding to some of the attributes of an Issue in JIRA. On the right side under Attribute Definition Mappings, there is a table showing the desired mappings between the SysML (Source) element tag values and the JIRA (Target) attributes. In the next exercise, we will learn how to add stereotypes and create such a mapping.

    2. This mapping also contains a Relation Type mapping between SysML part property and JIRA "Relates to" relationships. Review Video 1.7 in the Introductory module of the Syndeia training materials to learn more about relationship mapping, new in the Syndeia 3.3 release.

      Caution: Not all attribute values can be written from SysML to JIRA by Syndeia. Some, such as Status, Resolution, or Reporter are read-only. Other attribute values are only written if their values are valid, e.g. Assignee must be from the list of user profiles maintained by JIRA.

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      Figure 5  Syndeia mapping for Block-Task (Attributes)

    3. Return to the Connection Manager tab and set Connection Type to Model Transform in the central column

    4. Drag the System B block onto the target JIRA project.

    5. Select Block-Task (attributes) and click OK (Figure 6).

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      Figure 6  Syndeia Dashboard, Connection Manager tab

  6. To see the new issues created in JIRA, right-click on System B in the Syndeia dashboard and select Open Connected Artifacts (see Figure 7). System B is connected to Task SDB-1986. At the bottom, two additional issues, SDB-1987 and 1988, are shown as linked to 1986. These were created in the same Model Transform process, the part property relationship in SysML between System B and System B1/B2 mapped to a "relates to" relationship in JIRA.

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    Figure 7  JIRA web interface for new System B issue

    JIRA has assigned the new issue created as Type:Task, because the mapping was Block – Task. JIRA has also assigned default values to some of the issue fields on creation of the issue, e.g. Priority = Major, Status = Open.

  7. The model transform just completed has also affected the original SysML blocks.

  8. Display the SysML blocks System B, System B1 and System B2, with their part property relationships and tag value compartments. It should appear similar Figure 8.

    Figure 8  System B block structure

  9. Each of the blocks has been assigned the additional stereotype <<JIRA_Artifact>>, as defined in the mapping shown in Figure 5.

  10. Each of the blocks now holds the tag values associated with the <JIRA_Artifact> stereotype, e.g assignee, components, etc.

  11. Where the mapping "Block – Task (attributes)" has mapped attributes between the JIRA and SysML elements, Syndeia has back-populated the SysML tag values with the default values assigned to each issue by JIRA.

  12. In the final part of the exercise, we will demonstrate the Compare & Sync feature for the user-defined SysML – JIRA mapping.

    1. In the JIRA web interface, as shown in Figure 7, click the Start Progress button for System B, changing its status to "In Progress".

    2. In the SysML model, delete part property b2:System B2 (do not delete the System B2 block itself).

    3. On the Syndeia Dashboard, Connection Browser tab, find the connection between the System B elements in Rhapsody and JIRA.

    4. Right-click this connection and select Compare Source and Target.

    5. The Comparison Result tab on the Syndeia dashboard will show two differences, similar to Figure 9, in the status values and the System B2 relationship to System B.

    6. Back in the Connection Browser tag, select Sync Target to Source and check that the differences have been resolved.

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      Figure 9  Comparison Result tab, after separate modifications of SysML model and JIRA issue
