Generating a Teamcenter Product Structure from SysML
The object of this tutorial is to generate a product structure in a Teamcenter repository from a block structure in a Rhapsody SysML
Syncing SysML Changes to Teamcenter
Figure 33 Modified UAV SysML model
The corresponding Connection Browser tab appears as in Figure 35. For this screenshot, we (1) right-clicked on the Tutorial_2_04 package (top row) and selected Expand All, and (2) filtered the Connection column by clicking on the downward arrow icon in the column header, selecting (Custom…), and choosing "is not empty" criterion. This reduces the number of empty rows displayed.
Figure 39 Connection Browser after syncing
Figure 40 Comparison Result after syncing
The same updating result would have been achieved if we had synced the UAV block across connection C2 (Figure 35). By syncing across the Tutorial_2_04 package, we synced simultaneously across all 3 connections held by blocks in that package.
If we had updated in the opposite direction, PLM to SysML, the result would have been different. The part property pyld would have been deleted from the UAV block, although the Payload block would not have been affected.
Delete all connections and close the Syndeia dashboard when the exercise is completed. If the connections are not deleted, they will appear in future Connection Summaries, which may be confusing
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