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The instructions that follow assume that the IdP is Ping Federate. This assumption is made because Ping Federate is the only IdP for which PTC provides installation guidance.
Part 1 - Install and Configure Ping Federate as the IdP for Windchill
docker compose up
a PingFederate instance - which is available at Docker Hubset the Server Base URL in PingFederate to be the intended corporate-internal FQDN for the PingFederate service
Create an IdP Adapter in PingFederate
Create an LDAP Data Source in PingFederate
Create an OAuth Client App in PingFederate, named “rs
Configure the OAuth Token Manager for the rs_client OAuth Client App
Configure an OAuth Setting Scope Management Scope of “WINDCHILL”
in PingFederateConfigure Access Token Mappings
Configure IdP Adapter Grant Mapping
Before doing anything more, use Postman (or equivalent REST client or cURL) to verify that it can request and receive OAuth tokens after doing user MFA Authorization-Code Grant flow with the new (or existing) PingFederate OAuth client.
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“Windchill” is beyond a simple PLM, it is a technology stack consisting of Identity Management, Token Management, Single-sign on Session Management, Database Management, Organization Management, and, behind all that, Product Management. Windchill delegates Oauth2 authentication for a subset of its API routes to Apache HTTPd, Tomcat Servlet Engine, Ping Federate, LDAP, and a Tomcat Spring Bean. It is the Tomcat Spring Bean which is responsible for receiving an incoming HTTP Request from Apache HTTPd via AJP and Tomcat that has an HTTP Authorization Bearer token and for then performing the token introspection with the Ping Federate service to determine if the token is valid and to extract the effective Windchill user identity from the token before forwarding that HTTP Request on into the Windchill application. PTC delivers their technology stack as a complex and complicated collection of template deployments, property files, XML configuration files, and Ant scripts. During installation of the Windchill stack, the installing administrator executes several ant scripts to weave configuration properties into the template files to yield the eventual effective configuration files which inform the running HTTPd and Tomcat services. A Tomcat servlet ecosystem consists of a web server (like Apache HTTPd) and one or more Tomcat “engines” (or instances) each of which may have multiple “hosts” where each “host” runs multiple “contexts”. Each “context” can be configured to offer service from multiple servlet contexts. (Modern microservices developers can think of a “servlet context” as a “microservice” - except for the difference that modern microservices are supposed to be more pure in limiting their scope than was the practice for servlets.) The Windchill PDMLink application is a Tomcat servlet context that is found in <WINDCHILL<WINDCHILL_DRIVE>DRIVE> The servlet filter in this servlet context that is responsible to receive an Oauth2-token-bearing HTTP Request, to extract the token, to verify the token with the Token Server (PingFederate), to extract the effective Windchill user id, and to forward the request into Windchill is found in the security folder of this WEB-INF directory. There is a securityContext.xml file and a securityContext.properties file. Because PTC does not assume that all its customers will offer OAuth2 access for their Windchill APIs, the servlet’s Context’s configuration file, web.xml, does not include the necessary filter, filter-mapping, servlet, and servlet-mapping elements. Installation involves adding the necessary property strings to the securityContext.properties file and then adding the missing XML fragments to the web.xml file in the right locations to assure that incoming HTTP requests flow through the right filter chains and are routed to the right servlets by the right servlet-mapping elements. PTC documentation states how to configure the Windchill servlet context for OAuth2 authentication. (The advice above merely explains which Tomcat configuration to modify and is intended to explain why the modifications are made). |
Note: The “Device Code" OAuth grant type is based on specific users and not on just a known single specific application-client to enforce the user-specific permissions and access controls as they connect to Windchill from the same specific application-client (“Syndeia”).
Be informed that Intercax selected a Device Code Grant Flow has been chosen both for its industry support, for high user “user ability”, and for cybersecurity controls - it is the only Grant Flow which supports offers authentication for both users using web browsers and for scripts making API calls while assuring that all such service requests are traced directly to the specific user making those requests and not to a single “application” identity or to a some “digital service account”.
Part 4 - Configure Syndeia Cloud Windchill Service
Step 1: Configure the Syndeia Cloud windchill-impl application
Log into the Syndeia Service
Code Block ssh MySyndeiaServer.company.com
Alter its Windchill conf/application.conf according to the example file in the expansion region below
this listCode Block cd /opt/icx/syndeia-cloud-current/windchill-impl-*/conf && sudo vi application.conf
Restart the Syndeia Windchill microservice
sudo systemctl restart sc-windchill
Restart the Syndeia Web Gateway microservice
sudo systemctl restart sc-webgateway
Contact Intercax.com/help if your team needs assistance in editing any configuration files for specific microservices
(see file below, edit, then exit vi with
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Step 2: Restart the Syndeia Windchill & Web-gateway microservices
Code Block language bash sudo systemctl restart sc-windchill sc-webgateway
After you have configured Windchill and Ping Federate and after you have configured Syndeia’s windchill microservice for OAuth, you likely will want to add a Windchill Repository instance using the Syndeia Web Dashboard. Read Adding a Windchill Repository using OAuth for that guide.
Contact Intercax.com/help if your team needs assistance in editing any configuration files for specific microservices