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See Video 1.9 for an introduction to the Syndeia Web Dashboard.

Background -



As envisioned by Intercax, the Digital Thread is composed of inter-model connections between models in different repositories, which Syndeia creates and manages, and intra-model connections between elements in the same repository, which the individual tool creates and manages. As of Syndeia release 3.5, the Syndeia Web Dashboard can extract and display some model information from the VOLTA repository. Figure 1 shows a tree view of this information, with labels identifying the VOLTA element types. Note the different icons. The label color coding indicates how the VOLTA element type is mapped to the Syndeia Cloud element types: Repository (green), Container (red), and Artifact (blue).


Figure 1: Tree view of VOLTA repository


  1. Log on to the Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard (see Video 1.9) and click on the Repositories icon on the left border (Figure 2).

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Figure 2 : SWD Repositories page (initial) – Repositories icon outlined in red


6. Click the Search icon on the right.

  1. In the Search window, use VOLTA Simple or VOLTA Advanced from the Select type pull down menu.

  2. From the Select item type pull down menu, select the VOLTA artifact type to be searched for. In our example in Figure 7, this is Folder.

  3. Using VOLTA Simple to Search by text, enter a text string in the Name Contains field from the name of the VOLTA folder to search for. In our example, we entered DEMO and clicked Search. The result(s) of the search are shown on the right, as in Figure 7.

  4. To Search by ID, enter a text string with the VOLTA ID in the ID field. The version-independent VOLTA ID is the same as the externalKey on the Details page (Figure 6).

  5. If you select the VOLTA Advanced option before searching, you may enter a query in VQL (VOLTA Query Language) for the search.  See VOLTA documentation for a discussion of VQL.

  6. Click the Search icon again to close the Search window.


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Figure 7 : SWD Repositories page, Search feature (Search icon and search result highlighted in red)

7. Select a VOLTA element in the Tree View column ( Beam_Optimization_Process_Mode in our example) and click on the Relations icon on the right.

  1. In the Relations window (Figure 8), you will see a list of Inter-model relations, from the selected VOLTA item to other non-VOLTA models, and a list of Intra-model relations, from the selected VOLTA item to other VOLTA items in the same VOLTA repository. In this example, there are one Inter-model relations to a file in GitHub.


Figure 8 : Syndeia Web Dashboard Repositories page, Relations lists (Relations and Add icons highlighted in red)

8. To create a reference connection between the selected VOLTA item and an element in another repository, click on the + (Add) icon highlighted in Figure 8. A Create Reference Relationships window will appear as in Figure 9.

  1. At the top, either select an existing Syndeia project to save the connection within (DZSB26 in our example) or create a new project. See Video 1.5 on creating Syndeia projects for further discussion.

  2. Under Select target artifact, choose the other repository to which the new connection will be made. In our example this is JIRA @ Intercax.

  3. If you have valid access to this repository, its contents will appear at the bottom of the window. Scroll down to the element that will be the target of the new connection and click the checkbox beside it. This is JIRA issue ADS-27 in our example.

  4. Each Syndeia connection has a directionality. The Select direction pull down menu higher up in the window allows the directionality to be set as desired before the connection is made.

  5. Click on the Create Reference Connection button at the bottom. The new connection should appear in the Inter-model list after the Reload icon is clicked.

  6. Click the Relations icon again to close the Relations window.

Note: In Syndeia release 3.5, it is not possible to create Model Transform inter-model connections or intra-model connections through the SWD. Some of those use cases will be added in future releases.


Figure 13 : VOLTA browser interface launched from Syndeia Web Dashboard


Optional Step - VOLTA Advanced Search

13. VOLTA allows users to search for items using custom queries. The syntax of these queries is described in the VOLTA API documentation here: Syndeia users working with VOLTA can use the same queries to search for VOLTA items in the Syndeia Web Dashboard. There are four (4) query keywords provided by the VOLTA search capability - type, tag, options, and release. The type query keyword is specified by selecting one of the types in the Select item type menu in the search pane of the Syndeia Web Dashboard, as shown below. The others can be specified in the Query field, as shown in the examples below. The syntax of the queries is the same as described in the VOLTA API Docs (link above).

In this step, we present a few examples of queries that the reader can follow and try on their VOLTA server.

Example 1 - Search for items of type File that have a tag with the name important applied to them.


Example 2 - Search for items of type File that have a tag with the name important applied and whose names contain the word Readme.


Example 3 - Search for items of type Project that have names containing the word proplusion


Example 4 - Search for items of type File that have a tag with the name workflow_based applied and metadata option with id 14 applied.


Example 5 - Search for items of type Workflow Model that have names containing the word Drone.
