Exploring connections of an artifact – Auto Layout

Exploring connections of an artifact – Auto Layout

The second type of visualization available in Syndeia allows you to explore inter-model and intra-model connections for a given SysML or non-SysML artifact (e.g. DOORS-NG requirement). This visualization can be launched by selecting a SysML model element (in the model tree or a diagram or the Syndeia Dashboard), or a non-SysML artifact (in the Syndeia Dashboard) and selecting the sub-menu “View Neighboring Artifacts – Auto Layout” menu.

The subject artifact for which the visualization is launched is highlighted in red and is centered on the screen. All artifacts are color-coded based on their repository type. The color key is shown on the RHS of diagram. All immediate neighbors of the subject artifact are shown, connected by inter-model and/or intra-model connections.

Inter-model connections are connections between elements in different models, such as between SysML model elements and DOORS-NG requirements, Teamcenter items, or JIRA issues. Intra-model connections are connections between elements in the same model. This visualization can show both inter-model connections (undirected black edges) and intra-model connections (directed colored edges). In this version of Syndeia, the intra-model connections are only available for SysML model elements. The following intra-model connections can be queried from a SysML model:

  1. Incoming / outgoing Dependencies for all SysML named elements.
  2. Part properties for blocks in addition to dependencies (item 1 above)
  3. Call behavior actions for activities in addition to dependencies (item 1 above)
  4. Nested requirements for requirements in addition to dependencies (item 1 above)

The connection filter in the top RHS of the diagram can be used to specify if inter-model or intra-model or both types of connections are to be queried. For intra-model connections, you can also specify if incoming, outgoing, or both types need to be queried.

Each artifact node can be in an expanded or collapsed state. When an artifact is in a collapsed state, it is highlighted in green, except the subject artifact for which the visualization was launched—it is always highlighted in red. When an artifact is expanded from the collapsed (green highlighted) state, a fresh call is made to Syndeia to query all connections, based on the connection filter, and display them. In this manner, you can recursively explore neighboring artifacts. For example, when the SysML block Swirl Bruner is expanded (LHS), its inter-model connections are queried and shown (RHS). The SysML block Swirl Burner is connected to the Simulink model with the same name in the local file system.

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