Syndeia and MySQL

Syndeia and MySQL


Connect to one or more MySQL repositories 
Connect to one or more MySQL repositories (servers) in your organization by supplying the URL and your credentials.


View contents of MySQL repositories 
View the contents of a MySQL repository, such as databases, tables, and rows, in the Syndeia Dashboard.


Search MySQL repositories
Search for data in MySQL repositories using an easy-to-use query builder or directly entering MySQL queries from the Syndeia Dashboard.


Create Reference connections between SysML model elements and MySQL elements 
Drag-n-drop a SysML model element to a database / table / row in a MySQL repository, or vice versa, to create a reference connection. A reference connection is the most basic form of traceability between SysML model elements and data managed in a MySQL repository.


Generate MySQL tables from SysML blocks 
Drag-n-drop a SysML block to a MySQL database element to create a table. This also creates a connection between the block and MySQL table that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Generate MySQL table rows from SysML block instances / specialized blocks 
Drag-n-drop instances / specializations of a SysML block connected to a MySQL table to generate rows in that table. This also creates connections between the block instances / specialized blocks and MySQL table rows that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Generate SysML blocks from MySQL tables 
Drag-n-drop MySQL tables to a SysML package to generate SysML blocks corresponding to the table. This also creates connections between the MySQL tables and SysML blocks that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Generate SysML block instances / specialized blocks from MySQL table rows 
Drag-n-drop MySQL table rows to a SysML package to generate SysML instances / specializations of the block connected to the table. This also creates connections between the MySQL table rows and SysML block instances / specialized blocks that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Compare SysML block instances / specialized blocks and Excel table rows 
Invoke the Compare operation on connections between SysML block instances / specialized blocks and MySQL table rows to generate a difference table that shows the specific values that are in-sync and out-of-sync between SysML elements and table rows.


*Sync SysML block instances / specialized blocks --> MySQL table rows* 
Invoke the _Sync SysML --> Target_ operation on connections to compare and push values from SysML instances / specialized blocks to MySQL table rows.


*Sync MySQL table rows --> SysML block instance / specialized blocks* 
Invoke the _Sync Target --> SysML_ operation on connections to compare and push values from MySQL table rows to SysML instances / specialized blocks.

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