COPY-Test Deployment

COPY-Test Deployment

Minimum Requirements

Currently we recommend each node that will be running Syndeia Cloud (SC) (and any additional Cassandra cluster nodes) be dedicated and have at least:  

  • 16GB of RAM &
  • 90GB HD space

Adjust the above values per your performance requirements.  

(warning) Note, attempting to run on a non-dedicated node (ie: shared VPS instance or VM host with "noisy guest neighbors") may cause intermittent CQLSH timeout or SC Circuit Breaker errors.  If you experience this, please increase (and or reserve) the resources allocated to your node.  

Syndeia Cloud v3.3 has been tested with and has the following software dependencies:  

  • Java (Oracle or Open)JDK/JRE v1.8.0
  • Apache Cassandra v3.11.1
  • Janusgraph v0.3.1
  • Zookeeper v3.4.8.1
  • Kafka v2.11-1.1.0

(warning) Note, newer versions may work but testing has largely focused on the above versions.  


The following pages describe how to quickly deploy Syndeia Cloud + its dependencies on the following platforms & setup services to start on boot: 

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