RHEL/CentOS/Alma Linux Deployment


The following pages will walk you through the deployment of Syndeia Cloud on a RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)/CentOS v7.9 platform. 

Before proceeding with any deployment steps in the CLI it is highly recommended you first enable input & output logging as the shell does not do this by default.

Either enable (maximum) logging in your terminal of choice and/or use GNU script. See Appendix F6.1: Installation Logging for more details.

Having said the above, deployment is separated into the following sections:  

  1. Installing Apache Cassandra

    1. Single Node Setup Instructions

    2. Multi-Node (Cluster) Setup Instructions (Adding nodes to an existing single-node)
       Note, for small or new deployments, we recommend you deploy Cassandra on a single-node.  As your usage grows, you can add more Cassandra nodes and refer to the multi-node section.  

  2. Installing JanusGraph

  3. Installing Apache Zookeeper

  4. Installing Apache Kafka

  5. Installing Syndeia Cloud