Using Syndeia with Windchill
Follow the steps in this section to gather jar files to connect and communicate with Windchill. These steps require Administrator access to the organization's Windchill server and Administrator write-access to the MagicDraw and Syndeia folders of the user's workstation.
Windchill Server Versions
This guide is for users of PTC Windchill versions 10.1, 10.2, 11.0, and 12.1.
If you are using a different version of Windchill, contact us at
Windchill 12 jars require Java 11 and can be used with MagicDraw/Cameo 2021x Refresh2 Hotfix 1, 2022x which use Java 11 and 2024x which uses Java 17.
Windchill 12 jars cannot be used with MagicDraw/Cameo 19.0 - because that application uses Java 8.
Choose the one section below based on your organization’s combination of Windchill and Cameo/MagicDraw
Installing Windchill Jars for Windchill 10.1, 10.2, and 11 with Cameo/MagicDraw before 2022x
These steps are appropriate for Windchill and Cameo that are run with Java 8.
Create a local folder named libWC to collect all jar files needed for Windchill.
Locate and gather from your Windchill server, 2 sets of jar files and copy these into the libWC folder.
Set 1Go to the this folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\ieconnector
e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\ieconnector.
Locate and copy the ie.rar file to a separate temporary location
Unzip the ie.rar file at this temporary location.
Copy these 5 jar files from the unzipped folder to your libWC folder:
Set 2
Go to this folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
Copy these 3 jar files to the libWC folder.
Now, your libWC folder must have 8, and only 8, jar files—5 from Set 1 and 3 from Set 2. Assure it has no other jars.
For each workstation that will be running MagicDraw and Syndeia
Complete the section "Library Installation for specific Repositories" in the Install Syndeia plugin guide
Installing Windchill Jars for Windchill 12 and Cameo 2021x, 2022x and 2024x
These steps are appropriate for Windchill and Cameo 2021x and 2022x, that run with Java 11, and Cameo 2024x that runs with Java 17.
Create a local folder named libWC and one named libWCx to collect the jar files needed for Windchill.
Locate and gather from your Windchill server, 2 sets of jar files and copy these into the libWC folder.
Set 1Go to this folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\ieconnector
e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\ieconnector.
Locate and copy the ie.rar file to a separate temporary location, tempFiles
Unzip the ie.rar file into tempFiles.
Copy these 4 jar files from the tempFiles folder to the libWC folder:
Set 2
Go to this folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
Copy these 2 jar files to the libWC folder.
Set 3
Copy commons-lang-2.6.jar from to the libWC folder.
Now, your libWC folder must have 7 and only 7, jar files—4 from Set 1, 2 from Set 2, and one from Set 3. Assure it has no other jars.
Create a libWCx folder, next to but outside of libWC
Copy this jar file from the tempFiles folder to the libWCx folder:
Go to this folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib
Copy this one jar file to the libWCx folder.
Now, your libWCx folder must have 2 and only 2, jar files—1 from Set 1 and 1 from Set 2. Assure it has no other jars.
Edit the properties file (e.g.,, or as follows:
Modify the JAVA_ARGS = line by adding
after the existing string as shown, modified, in the text below.
Modify the CLASSPATH = line by adding
after the existing “lib/classpath.jar” string as shown, modified, in the text below.
# # SOME DATE STRING MAIN_CLASS=com.nomagic.magicdraw.Main CONSOLE=false APP_ARGS= JAVA_HOME= JAVA_ARGS=-DLOCALCONFIG\=true -splash\:data/splash.png -Dmd.class.path\=$java.class.path -Dcom.nomagic.osgi.config.dir\=configuration -Desi.system.config\=data/application.conf -Dlogback.configurationFile\=data/logback.xml -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault\=true -Xss1024K -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf\=true\=false -Dstart.application.with.updm2.or.uaf.plugin\=uaf\=false -Dfile.encoding\=UTF-8 -Djavax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory:\ MAC_JAVA_ARGS="-Xdock\:name\=Cameo Enterprise Architecture 22" -Xdock\:icon\=bin/md.icns -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar\=true CLASSPATH=lib/classpath.jar\:plugins/\:plugins/ DEFAULT_MEMORY_SETTINGS_64=SOMESETTING
For each workstation, throughout your organization, that will be running MagicDraw and Syndeia
Complete the section "Library Installation for specific Repositories" in the Install Syndeia plugin guide