Using Syndeia with Creo

Using Syndeia with Creo

For using Syndeia to access Creo models in local file system or Windchill, follow the steps below.

Looking for the Rhapsody guide for CREO? That is available at https://intercax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYN36/pages/3330108580/Using+Syndeia+with+Creo.?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMGMyMjA5NGMyZTcxNDJjMTg1NzY3NWRjY2JiNGExM2EiLCJwIjoiYyJ9 This page is for Dassault MagicDraw, Cameo Simulation Toolkit, and Cameo EA users.

  1. Confirm that your IT software matches the Integration Versions specified in https://intercax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYN36/pages/3330092154/Syndeia+3.6+-+Integration+Compatibility?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiY2NjYjk1YWMzZmFiNDdiOWExMDE0MDIxYzdkZTgxZjkiLCJwIjoiYyJ9

  2. Assure that your user has a CREO License for the Java Toolkit. (In 2025, for CREO 10, this is “Increment 335”)

    1. Using PTC CREO’s reconfigure.exe, located in the installed CREO folders, assure that you have reconfigured CREO licensing for the user to use the license

    2. CREO Licenses are available from your PTC Sales or Partner Manager.

  3. Assure that your CREO Administrator installed the Java Object Toolkit (along with the C++ Object Toolkit) during CREO installation onto the workstation

    1. You may use the CREO setup.exe in the distribution media, after the fact of installation, if this has yet to be installed.

  4. Assure that the CREO “trail_dir” property in the CREO config.pro file is set to a folder location within which the workstation user can create files

    1. The file is located in the Common Files\text folder

      1. For example: C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo\Common Files\text\config.pro

    2. The CREO pfcasync session will fail during use if the session cannot create trail files for the user

  5. Create a folder named libCreo in the Cameo plugin com.intercax.syndeia.md folder

  1. Copy the pfcasync.jar from your installed CREO folders to the libCreo folder.

    1. This jar is located in CREO installation folders within the Common Files set which are plain text, Java files,

    2. For example: C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\text\java\pfcasync.jar

    3. This has been the same location from CREO 3 through CREO 10 - but the version location path will be different

  2. Set environment variable PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE with value as the location of pro_comm_msg.exe in your Creo installation (see figure below),

    1. For example: PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\x86e_win64\obj\pro_comm_msg.exe

    2. Assure that the path is appropriate for your CREO version

  3. Set environment variable PRO_DIRECTORY with value as the location of Parametric folder in your Creo installation (see figure below),

    1. For example: PRO_DIRECTORY = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Parametric

    2. Assure that the path is appropriate for your CREO version

      Setting Windows System (not USER) Environment Variables and Paths for CREO and PTC’s pfcasync.jar Java Toolkit Integration

  4. Add the location of Creo DLLs to the System Path environment variable.

    1. These DLLs are located in the Common Files\x86e_win64\lib folder of your Creo installation.

    2. For example, add the following C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\x86e_win64\lib to the Path environment variable.

  5. After you install Syndeia:

    1. set the Creo executable path in Syndeia settings to the parametric.exe file in your Creo installation.

    2. set Associate prt files with Creo to Checked (Yes, True)

    3. If your organization uses a different executable to run Creo, specify the exact location of the same. Learn more about this setting in the section Creo settings (under Settings).


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