Appendix G2a - Gather Teamcenter library (jar files)

Syndeia communicates with Teamcenter using its SOA API as a client. This requires Syndeia admins to gather a collection of *.jar files (part of the SOA library) from the Teamcenter installation or install media, and deploy to the Syndeia installation. On this page, the steps to gather *.jar files and the list of specific *.jar files for recent versions of Teamcenter are presented. The instructions below are written for Syndeia and Teamcenter admins.

Gathering jar files from Teamcenter installation

Follow the steps in this section to gather and assemble Teamcenter jar files.

  1. Create a folder named libTC to collect all the *.jar files needed for Teamcenter integration.

  2. Find the file available with your Teamcenter installation media. This file contains all the *.jar files. The file is typically available at the root level of your Teamcenter installation media, e.g. <Your_TC_Installation_Media>/lnx64/ Note that you can download the Teamcenter installation media, e.g., from the Siemens Support Center site as shown below.

Teamcenter installation media (e.g. available for download from Siemens Support Center


  1. Extract contents of (unzip) file and navigate to /java/libs sub-folder, e.g. <Your_TC_Installation_Media>>/lnx64/soa_client/java/libs.

  2. Gather the specific *.jar files for your version of Teamcenter. The next section (List of Teamcenter jar files) lists all the *.jar files for each of the supported versions of Teamcenter, e.g. 11.x, 12.x, 13.x, and 14.x.

  3. Copy all the *.jar files to the libTC folder created in the first step. Keep the libTC folder at a known location in your organization. Syndeia admins will need this libTC folder for configuring both Syndeia Cloud and Syndeia Clients (e.g. Cameo/Rhapsody plugins) to connect with Teamcenter.

  4. Additional notes:

    1. If you are gathering from a patch of Teamcenter installation media, e.g. Tc13.0 Patch 5, it is possible that the included in the patch only includes *.jar files updated in that patch. Hence, it is recommended that you download the from the base version of Teamcenter installation media and then overwrite its contents with the updated *.jar files provided in the patches.

    2. As we expand Syndeia’s capabilities with each release, the list of *.jar files required may update, i.e. additional *.jar files may be needed. The next section will be revised in that case.

List of Teamcenter jar files

The list of Teamcenter *.jar files you will need for each supported Teamcenter version is provided in the expandable sub-sections below. Copy all the *.jar files from the same Teamcenter installation media, and do not mix and match them from the installation media of different Teamcenter versions. Refer to for the list of Teamcenter versions supported by Syndeia.

*.jar files from the soa_client/java/libs folder.

commons-codec-1.11.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar content-type-2.0.jar fccclient.jar fmsticket.jar fscclient.jar httpclient-4.5.13.jar httpcore-4.4.13.jar httpmime-4.5.13.jar jackson-annotations-2.13.4.jar jackson-core-2.13.4.jar jackson-databind- jakarta.activation.jar jakarta.xml.bind-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar json-smart-2.4.10.jar lang-tag-1.4.3.jar log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1.jar log4j-api-2.17.1.jar log4j-core-2.17.1.jar nimbus-jose-jwt-7.9.jar oauth2-oidc-sdk-7.1.3.jar serializer.jar TcLogging.jar tcmemjavabinding.jar tcserverjavabinding.jar TcSoaBomStrong_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaCadStrong_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaClient_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaCommon_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaContMgmtBaseStrong_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaCoreStrong_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaQueryStrong_14000.3.0.jar TcSoaStrongModel_14000.3.0.jar teamcenter_sso_applib.jar teamcenter_sso_common.jar teamcenter_sso_ldapcustom.jar teamcenter_sso_webtoolkit.jar xercesImpl.jar

*.jar files from the soa_client/java/libs folder.

commons-codec-1.11.jar commons-logging-1.2.jar fccclient.jar fmsticket.jar fscclient.jar httpclient-4.5.13.jar httpcore-4.4.13.jar httpmime-4.5.13.jar istack-commons-runtime.jar javax.activation-api.jar jaxb-api.jar jaxb-runtime.jar log4j-1.2-api-2.17.1.jar log4j-api-2.17.1.jar log4j-core-2.17.1.jar resolver.jar serializer.jar tcmemjavabinding.jar tcserverjavabinding.jar TcSoaBomStrong_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaCadStrong_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaClient_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaCommon_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaContMgmtBaseStrong_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaCoreStrong_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaQueryStrong_13000.2.0.jar TcSoaStrongModel_13000.2.0.jar teamcenter_sso_applib.jar teamcenter_sso_common.jar teamcenter_sso_ldapcustom.jar teamcenter_sso_webtoolkit.jar ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar xercesImpl.jar xml-apis.jar xmlrpc-client-3.1.3.jar xmlrpc-common-3.1.3.jar xmlrpc-server-3.1.3.jar

*.jar files from the soa_client/java/libs folder.

activation.jar avalon-framework-4.1.5.jar commons-codec.jar commons-httpclient-contrib-3.1.jar commons-logging.jar fccclient.jar fscclient.jar httpclient-4.5.2.jar httpcore-4.4.4.jar jacorb.jar jaxb-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar logkit-1.2.jar resolver.jar tcgatewaystubs.jar tcmemjavabinding.jar tcserverjavabinding.jar TcSoaBomStrong_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaCadStrong_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaClient_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaCommon_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaContMgmtBaseStrong_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaCoreStrong_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaQueryStrong_12000.4.0.jar TcSoaStrongModel_12000.4.0.jar teamcenter_sso_applib.jar teamcenter_sso_common.jar teamcenter_sso_ldapcustom.jar teamcenter_sso_webtoolkit.jar xercesImpl.jar xml-apis.jar

*.jar files from the soa_client/java/libs folder.

*.jar files from the soa_client/java/libs folder.