Syndeia™ is a software environment for integrated model-based engineering. Based on industry standards such as SysML, STEP (ISO 10303), REST, and OSLC, Syndeia helps system engineers develop and manage the high-level architecture of a system or product in SysML and simultaneously generate, connect, compare, and sync with models in PLM, CAD/CAE, ALM, simulation, databases, and other enterprise repositories. With powerful visualization and query capabilities, Syndeia makes the Total System Model accessible to the project team, using connections both inside and between individual models. With Syndeia, engineers can trace from requirements to CAD or simulation models, or connect systems engineering to project management and issue tracking.
Syndeia Cloud brings the above features into a fast, scalable, database accessible by multiple users and accessible via a REST API.
Syndeia Cloud is built on the following products:
- Java (Oracle or Open)JDK/JRE
- Apache Cassandra
- Open (Swagger) REST API