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Syndeia requires Java libraries (jar files) to connect and communicate with PLM systems (Teamcenter and Windchill), requirements management systems (DOORS-NG), databases (MySQL), ALM systems (GitHub), project management systems (JIRA), and domains models (NX, Creo, and Simulink). Some of the Java libraries are proprietary technology of the vendors—Siemens PLM (Teamcenter, NX), PTC (Windchill, Creo), and Oracle (MySQL)—and are not distributed with the Syndeia plugins.
The following sections describe the specific jar files (and their locations) that you need to gather from your own PLM/ALM/database/tool installations to use with Syndeia. You will need to contact your PLM/ALM/database administrators to gather these jar files. It is best if the administrator can host these files at a shared location so that all Syndeia users in your organization/group can readily access them. Alternatively, a lead MBSE engineer can copy these jar files in the Syndeia plugin (zip) and re-distribute the Syndeia plugin within the organization. You need to gather libraries for only those repositories that you will connect and communicate with.

  • Creo - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with Creo models managed in a local file system or Windchill repository, follow instructions in section 2.3.1.
  • DOORS-NG - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with DOORS-NG, follow instructions in section 2.3.2.
  • Excel - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with Excel models managed in a local file system, follow instructions in section 2.3.3.
  • GitHub - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with DOORS-NG, follow instructions in section 2.3.4.
  • JIRA - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with DOORS-NG, follow instructions in section 2.3.5.
  • MySQL - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with MySQL, follow instructions in section 2.3.6.
  • NX - - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with NX models managed in a local file system or Teamcenter repository, follow instructions in section 2.3.7.
  • Simulink – If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with Simulink models managed in a local file system, follow instructions in section 2.3.8.
  • Teamcenter - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with Teamcenter, follow instructions in section 2.3.9.
  • Windchill - If you will use Syndeia to connect/communicate with Windchill, follow instructions in section 2.3.10.

Using Syndeia with Creo

For using Syndeia to access Creo models in local file system or Windchill, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a folder named libCreo
  2. Copy the pfcasync.jar from your Creo installation to the libCreo folder. This jar is located in your Creo installation as follows:
    C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\text\java\pfcasync.jar
    You will use the libCreo folder when installing the Syndeia plugin for Rhapsody in section 2.4. 
  3. Set environment variable PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE with value as the location of pro_comm_msg.exe in your Creo installation (see Figure 6 below), e.g.
    PRO_COMM_MSG_EXE = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\x86e_win64\obj\pro_comm_msg.exe
  4. Set environment variable PRO_DIRECTORY with value as the location of Parametric folder in your Creo installation (see Figure 6 below), e.g.
    PRO_DIRECTORY = C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Parametric 

    Figure 6: Environment settings for Creo

  5. Add the location of Creo DLLs to the Path environment variable. These DLLs are located in the lib folder of your Creo installation. For example, add the following C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\M020\Common Files\x86e_win64\lib to the Path environment variable. Refer to section 6.1 on how to add a directory to the Path environment variable.

Using Syndeia with DOORS-NG

For connecting and communicating with DOORS-NG, Syndeia already comes with the necessary libraries (such as OSLC-related jars) that are installed in the libDOORS folder under the Syndeia plugin for SysML tools. No additional user action is required.

Using Syndeia with Excel

For connecting and communicating with Excel, Syndeia already comes with the necessary libraries that are installed with the Syndeia plugin for SysML tools. No additional user action is required.

Using Syndeia with GitHub

For connecting and communicating with GitHub, Syndeia already comes with the necessary libraries that are installed with the Syndeia plugin for SysML tools. No additional user action is required.

Using Syndeia with JIRA

For connecting and communicating with JIRA, Syndeia already comes with the necessary libraries that are installed with the Syndeia plugin for SysML tools. No additional user action is required.

Using Syndeia with MySQL

For connecting and communicating with MySQL, you will need only 1 jar file. Follow the instructions in this section to prepare the libMySQL folder.

  1. Create a folder named libMySQL to collect the 1 the jar file needed for MySQL 5.6.
  2. If you have MySQL Workbench (client) installed on your machine, follow the sub-steps below, else move to the next step.
    1. Go to the folder <Your MySQL Workbench installation>\MySQL\Connector J 5.1.26, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\Connector J 5.1.26.
    2. Copy the jar file mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx-bin.jar to the libMySQL folder.
  3. Alternatively, you can download the jar file from the following site. Download the zip file, unzip it, and copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx-bin.jar to the libMyQL folder.
  4. Rename the jar file copied in libMySQL folder to mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx.jar.

Using Syndeia with NX

For connecting and communicating with NX models managed in local file system or Teamcenter, you will need to collect jar files from your NX installation. These jar files will be used for the Syndeia plugin for Rhapsody. Follow the instructions in this section to collect these jar files.

  1. Create a folder named libNX to collect the jar files needed for NX.
  2. Go to the UGII folder in the NX installation on your machine, e.g. C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII
  3. Copy the following 9 jar files from the UGII folder to the libNX folder created in Step 1.
    1. NXOpen.jar
    2. NXOpenRemote.jar
    3. NXOpenRun.jar
    4. NXOpenUF.jar
    5. NXOpenUFRemote.jar
    6. NXOpenUFRun.jar
    7. NXOpenUI.jar
    8. NXOpenUIRemote.jar
    9. NXOpenUIRun.jar
  4. When NX is installed, a system variable named UGII_ROOT_DIR is setup as an environment variable whose value is the location of the UGII folder in your NX installation, as shown in Figure 7 below. If this variable does not exist, go ahead and add it.

    Figure 7: UGII_ROOT_DIR environment variable must be set (Windows only).

  5. Add the following string: %UGII_ROOT_DIR% to the PATH environment variable on your Windows machine.

The instructions above are sufficient for Syndeia to interact with NX models in local file system.
If you want to access NX models in Teamcenter, you will need the Teamcenter 4-tier or 2-tier rich client installed on your machine. This is a requirement for Siemens NX CAD tool.
If you have a 4-tier rich client installed on your machine, follow the instructions in section below.
Alternatively, if you have a 2-tier rich client installed on your machine, follow the instructions in section below.

Accessing NX models in Teamcenter using 4-tier Teamcenter rich client

  1. Set the Teamcenter tier type to FOUR_TIER in the Syndeia settings (section 4.9.3) after installation.
  2. Set FMS_HOME environment variable to point to the tccs folder in your TC rich client installation, e.g. FMS_HOME= C:\Siemens\Teamcenter9\tccs, as shown below.


    Figure 8: FMS_HOME environment variable 
  3. Set the environment variable UGII_UGMGR_COMMUNICATION with value HTTP, as shown above.
  4. Open a command prompt and type the following to launch NX in managed mode, as shown below. See the screenshot below. Words in <italics> need to be replaced by your specific settings.
    C:\> cd C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII 
    C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII>
    ugraf -pim=yes -http_url=<Teamcenter_Server_URL> -u=<UserName> -p=<Password
  5. This should launch NX in managed mode where you can open a NX model from Teamcenter by access the Home folder in Teamcenter, as shown in Figure 9 below.


    Figure 9: NX launched in managed mode – connected to Teamcenter 

If NX is launched successfully in managed mode (you can access Teamcenter from NX), then it implies that your NX and Teamcenter installations are ready to access NX models in Teamcenter using Syndeia.

Accessing NX models in Teamcenter using 2-tier Teamcenter rich client

  1. Set the Teamcenter tier type to TWO_TIER in the Syndeia settings (section 4.9.3) after installation.
  2. Set TC_ROOT environment variable as the location of TC installation (2-tier client) on the user's machine where NX is installed, e.g. C:\Alpha\SIEMENS\tcua91_2tier_tcdev06
  3. Set FMS_HOME as the location of tccs folder in TC_ROOT, e.g. %TC_ROOT%\tccs
  4. Set TC_DATA as the location of TC data folder on the server machine that should be accessible from the client, e.g. \\tcdev06\tce\apps\ugs\win\datadir\tcua91_tcdev06_data
  5. To verify these settings, open a command prompt and type the following commands:

C:\> cd C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII
C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\UGII> ugraf -pim=yes -u=<user_name> -p=< password>
This should launch NX in managed mode, similar to as shown in the previous section. If successful, it implies that your NX and Teamcenter installations are ready to access NX models in Teamcenter using Syndeia.

Using Syndeia with Simulink

For connecting and communicating with Simulink models managed in local file system, Syndeia provides a library of MATLAB/Simulink functions that are automatically installed in the libSimulink folder with the Syndeia plugins. No additional user action is required.

Using Syndeia with Teamcenter

Follow the steps in this section to gather jar files to connect and communicate with Teamcenter 9.

  1. Create a folder named libTC to collect all the jar files needed for Teamcenter 9. You will need to locate and gather jar files from two different locations and copy them in the libTC folder.
  2. The first location (Location 1) to gather the jar files from is your Teamcenter server installation disk, specifically the following folder on the disk. <Your TC installation disk>\Tc9.1_win32\ soa_client\java\libs.
  3. Copy all the 27 jar files listed for Location 1 (LHS column) in the table below to the libTC folder.
  4. The second location (Location 2) to gather the jar files from is the Teamcenter rich client installation, specifically the following folder.

<Your TC rich client installation>\portal\plugins\com.teamcenter.rac.external_9000.1.0
Note: You do not need the Teamcenter rich client installed on your computer for Syndeia to connect to your Teamcenter server. You just need the jar files listed below from a Teamcenter rich client installation, either on your computer or some other computer.

  1. Copy all the 13 jar files listed for Location 2 (RHS column) in the table below to the libTC folder.
  2. Copy all the jar files listed for Location 2 (RHS column) in the table below to the libTC folder.
  3. Now, the libTC folder should have 41 jar files—28 from Location 1 and 13 from Location 2. Keep the libTC at a known location. You will use it during Syndeia for Rhapsody plugin installation (section 2.4).

Jar files to copy from Location 1 to libTC

(Teamcenter Server Installation Disk)

Jar files to copy from Location 2 to libTC
(Teamcenter rich client installation)

  1. avalon-framework-4.1.5.jar
  2. commons-codec.jar
  3. commons-httpclient-3.1.jar
  4. commons-logging.jar
  5. fmsutil.jar
  6. jacorb.jar
  7. resolver.jar
  8. tccommservice.jar
  9. tcgatewaystubs.jar
  10. tcmemjavabinding.jar
  11. tcserverjavabinding.jar
  12. TcSoaBomStrong_9000.1.0.jar
  13. TcSoaBomTypes_9000.1.0.jar
  14. TcSoaCadStrong_9000.1.0.jar
  15. TcSoaCadTypes_9000.1.0.jar
  16. TcSoaClient_9000.1.0.jar
  17. TcSoaCommon_9000.1.0.jar
  18. TcSoaCoreStrong_9000.1.0.jar
  19. TcSoaCoreTypes_9000.1.0.jar
  20. TcSoaQueryStrong_9000.1.0.jar
  21. TcSoaQueryTypes_9000.1.0.jar
  22. TcSoaStrongModel_9000.1.0.jar
  23. teamcenter_sso_applib.jar
  24. teamcenter_sso_common.jar
  25. teamcenter_sso_proxy.jar
  26. teamcenter_sso_webtoolkit.jar
  27. xercesImpl.jar
  28. xml-apis.jar
  1. activation.jar
  2. antlr-2.7.2.jar
  3. ApplicationRegistryClient.jar
  4. concurrent-1.3.2.jar
  5. fccjavaclientproxy.jar
  6. fmsservercache.jar
  7. fscjavaclientproxy.jar
  8. idl.jar
  9. jgraph.jar
  10. mail.jar
  11. soap.jar
  12. TcGatewayWebService.jar
  13. wrapper-3.0.3.jar

Using Syndeia with Windchill

Follow the steps in this section to gather jar files to connect and communicate with Windchill. You will need the following Windchill 10.1 jar files. You can use these to communicate with both Windchill 10.1 and 10.2 repositories.

  1. Create a folder named libWC to collect all jar files needed for Windchill 10.1. You will need to locate and gather 2 sets of jar files from your Windchill server, and copy them in the libWC folder.
    Set 1
  2. Go to the following folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\ieconnector, e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\ieconnector.
  3. Locate and copy the ie.rar file to a separate temporary location
  4. Unzip the ie.rar file at this temporary location.
  5. Copy the following jar files from the unzipped folder to the libWC folder (created above), as also shown in Figure 10 below.
    1. ie-ra-client.jar
    2. webservices-api.jar
    3. webservices-extra.jar
    4. webservices-extra-api.jar
    5. webservices-rt.jar

      Set 2

      Figure 10: JAR files (5) to gather from ie.rar collection in Windchill 10.1

  6. Go to the following folder on your Windchill server: <Your Windchill Installation>\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib, e.g. D:\ptc\Windchill\codebase\WEB-INF\lib

  7. Copy the following 3 jar files to the libWC folder.
    1. ie3rdpartylibs.jar
    2. ieWeb.jar
    3. wncWeb.jar
  8. Now, the libWC folder should 8 jar files—5 from Set 1 and 3 from Set 2. Keep the libWC at a known location. You will use it during Syndeia for Rhapsody plugin installations in section 2.4.

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