- The object of this tutorial is to generate a requirement in a MagicDraw SysML model from a requirement in Teamcenter. In this exercise, we can start with any empty SysML package in a MagicDraw model containing the Syndeia profile. We will use the same Teamcenter repository populated in the previous exercise. Launching the Syndeia dashboard from the empty Tutorial_2_12 package, we see REQ-0002308/A;1-UAV Specification, (Figure 105).
Figure 105 Syndeia Dashboard showing empty SysML package and requirements structures in Teamcenter repository - Set Connection Type to Model Transform. Drag and drop REQ-0002308/A;1-UAV Specification onto the Tutorial_2_12 package. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box shown at the bottom of Figure 106.
Figure 106 Confirmation window - The final state of the Connection Manager is shown in Figure 107.
Figure 107 Connection Manager after dragging UAV Specification into MagicDraw
- The SysML model created from this single action is complex and requires some explanation.
Teamcenter, unlike SysML, allows a requirement to be owned by more than one other requirement or requirement specification. Therefore, a Teamcenter requirement can exist as both an independent requirement and as an "owned" requirement. No corresponding structure is available in SysML, so the "owned" Teamcenter requirement is represented by a SysML requirement that is a <<copy>> of an independent requirement. In Figure 108, this relationship appears three times, for Engine Specification, Max Power, and Efficiency.
Figure 108 SysML model showing transferred requirements structure
Refer to section of the Syndeia User Guide to learn how to bring properties of Teamcenter requirements to SysML as properties on SysML requirements.