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Cassandra has multiple methods to backup and restore data depending on the scenario and the amount of data you wish to backup/restore.

(info) Note, this document will not discuss the backup and restore for the application software itself (ie: all the software/dependencies you installed or symlinked into /opt) or the configuration for it.  Use whatever conventional tool(s) you are comfortable with to backup/restore that.  

This document will go over the simplest & most portable method (using the CQL COPY ... TO / COPY ... FROM CQL commands), but be aware that other methods (ie: sstableloader with nodetool snapshot + schema & token export/import or 3rd party ETL tools) are available too but have their own caveats. Refer to the Apache Cassandra and DataStax documentation ( & for further details.

There are three main types of data that we need to be concerned about when backing up & restoring your database:

  • Schema: the schema is a description of what type(s) of data each table contains, think of it like column headers to table(s) of items
  • Data: this is actual application table data.
  • Metadata: this is supporting meta-data used by the database software, ex: Cassandra node token assignments.

For the method we are discussing here, we only need to be concerned about the first two.  


The following will backup the Syndeia Cloud database schema + keyspace tables automatically via a shell script.

1. Copy and paste the below into a new file named syndeia_cloud-3.3_backup.bash (set the password for syndeia_admin on L4 (default is myPw)):  

(info) Note L3-4 are environment variables that can be optionally picked up from your shell if you export them out beforehand, ie:  export version=3.4; syndeia_admin=foo , useful for automation or any (scheduled) cron job)

#!/bin/env bash
keyspaces=(syndeia_cloud_auth syndeia_cloud_devops syndeia_cloud_graph syndeia_cloud_graph_config syndeia_cloud_store)
tables=(syndeia_cloud_store.snapshots \
syndeia_cloud_store.metadata \
syndeia_cloud_store.offsetstore \
syndeia_cloud_store.auto_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.messages \
syndeia_cloud_store.repositories \
syndeia_cloud_store.repositories_by_uri \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_container_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_type_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_container_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.config \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_source_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_target_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.repository_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_auth.snapshots \
syndeia_cloud_auth.metadata \
syndeia_cloud_auth.offsetstore \
syndeia_cloud_auth.messages \
syndeia_cloud_auth.config \
syndeia_cloud_auth.auto_key \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users_by_external_key \
# TIMEFORMAT='{"real":%R,"user":%U,"sys":%S}'
if [[ ! -d SC_backups ]]; then
    mkdir SC_backups
echo "$(date) - Dump schema for ${keyspaces}..."
for keyspace in ${keyspaces[@]} do;
    all_keyspace_filenames="${all_keyspace_filenames} ${keyspace}_schema_backup.cql"
    echo "$(date)   - Dump schema for ${keyspace}..."
    sudo cqlsh -u syndeia_admin -p ${syndeia_admin_pw} -e "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE ${keyspace};" "${cassandra_jg_host}" > ${dst_filename} > /dev/null
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "$(date) x Error, could not export schema ${keyspace}"
        exit 1
        echo "$(date) - Successfully exported schema ${keyspace}"
cat "${all_keyspace_filenames}" > SC_backups/syndeia-cloud-${version}_concatenated_schema_backup.cql > /dev/null
echo "$(date) - Export data for tables..."
for table in ${tables[@]} do;
	# Generate MD5 hash for NULL values during each table export
	md5hash=$(date -Iseconds | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' ')
	echo "${md5hash}" > SC_backups/${table}_md5hash_for_NULL.txt
    echo "$(date)  - Export data for ${table} to ${dst_filename} using md5hash=${md5hash} for NULL..."
    CQL_to_backup_table="COPY ${table} TO '${dst_filename}' WITH HEADER = TRUE AND NULL='${md5hash}'; "
    sudo cqlsh -u syndeia_admin -p ${syndeia_admin_pw} -e "${CQL_to_backup_table}" "${cassandra_jg_host}" > /dev/null
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "$(date) x Error, could not export table ${table}"
        exit 2
        echo "$(date) - Successfully exported table ${table}"

2.  Make the script executable, ie:  chmod ug+x syndeia_cloud-3.4_backup.bash

3.  To use the script, run the following command to from the CLI: syndeia_cloud-3.4_backup.bash <node_FQDN>

      where <node_FQDN> is the node Fully Qualified Domain Name (ex: or if unspecified, localhost by default.  

     For each successfully exported schema and table, you should see output similar to the following (note, the # of exported rows):

Mon May 10 16:57:49 EDT 2021 - Successfully exported schema syndeia_cloud_auth

Using 3 child processes

Starting copy of syndeia_cloud_auth.users with columns [id, key, email, provider_id, provider_key, activated, avatar_url, created_by, created_date, first_name, last_name, modified_by, modified_date, permissions, roles].
Processed: 11 rows; Rate:      19 rows/s; Avg. rate:       4 rows/s
11 rows exported to 1 files in 2.698 seconds.


The following will restore the Syndeia Cloud database schema + keyspace tables automatically via a shell script.

1. Copy and paste the below into a new file named syndeia_cloud-3.4_restore.bash (set the password for syndeia_admin on L4 (default is myPw)):  

(info) Note L3-4 are environment variables that can be optionally picked up from your shell if you export them out beforehand, ie:  export version=3.4; syndeia_admin=foo , useful for automation)

#!/bin/env bash
keyspaces=(syndeia_cloud_auth syndeia_cloud_devops syndeia_cloud_graph syndeia_cloud_graph_config syndeia_cloud_store)
tables=(syndeia_cloud_store.snapshots \
syndeia_cloud_store.metadata \
syndeia_cloud_store.offsetstore \
syndeia_cloud_store.auto_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.messages \
syndeia_cloud_store.repositories \
syndeia_cloud_store.repositories_by_uri \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.containers_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_container_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifacts_by_type_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_container_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.config \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_source_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relations_by_target_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.repository_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.container_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.artifact_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_repository_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_external_key \
syndeia_cloud_store.relation_types_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_auth.snapshots \
syndeia_cloud_auth.metadata \
syndeia_cloud_auth.offsetstore \
syndeia_cloud_auth.messages \
syndeia_cloud_auth.config \
syndeia_cloud_auth.auto_key \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users_by_external_id \
syndeia_cloud_auth.users_by_external_key \
# TIMEFORMAT='{"real":%R,"user":%U,"sys":%S}'
echo "$(date) - Restore schema for ${keyspaces}..."
sudo cqlsh -u syndeia_admin -p ${syndeia_admin_pw} -e "SOURCE '${src_filename}';" "${cassandra_jg_host}"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "$(date) x Error, could not import concatenated schema ${src_filename}"
    exit 1
    echo "$(date) - Successfully imported concatenated schema ${src_filename}"
echo "$(date) - Import data for tables..."
for table in ${tables[@]} do;
	# Read MD5 hash for NULL values during each table export
	md5hash=$(cat SC_backups/${table}_md5hash_for_NULL.txt)
    echo "$(date)  - Import data for ${table} from ${dst_filename}..."
    CQL_to_restore_table="COPY ${table} FROM '${src_filename}' WITH HEADER = TRUE AND WITH NULL='${md5hash}'; "
    sudo cqlsh -u syndeia_admin -p ${syndeia_admin_pw} -e "${CQL_to_restore_table}" "${cassandra_jg_host}"
    if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "$(date) x Error, could not import table ${table}"
        exit 2
        echo "$(date) - Successfully imported table ${table}"
echo "$(date) - Done!"

2.  Make the script executable, ie:  chmod ug+x syndeia_cloud-3.4_restore.bash

3.  To use the script, run the following command to from the CLI: syndeia_cloud-3.4_restore.bash <node_FQDN>

      where <node_FQDN> is the node Fully Qualified Domain Name (ex: or if unspecified, localhost by default.  

     For each successfully imported schema and table, you should see output similar to the following (note, the # of exported rows):

Mon May 10 16:57:49 EDT 2021 - Successfully imported schema syndeia_cloud_auth

Using 3 child processes

Starting copy of syndeia_cloud_auth.users with columns [id, activated, avatar_url, created_by_user_key, created_timestamp, description, external_id, external_key, first_name, key, last_modified_by_user_key, last_modified_timestamp, last_name, name, other_info, permissions, profiles, roles, user_name].
Processed: 11 rows; Rate:       6 rows/s; Avg. rate:      10 rows/s
11 rows imported from 1 files in 1.048 seconds (0 skipped).


Import Errors

Q1: Sometimes I get the following timeout error and nothing gets imported (see below), how do I resolve this?

Failed to import 20 rows: OperationTimedOut - errors={<Host: x.x.x.x dc1>: ConnectionException('Host has been marked down or removed',)}, last_host=y.y.y.y,  will retry later, attempt 1 of 5
Failed to import 20 rows: OperationTimedOut - errors={'y.y.y.y': 'Client request timeout. See Session.execute[\_async](timeout)'}, last\_host=y.y.y.y,  will retry later, attempt 1 of 5
No records inserted in 90 seconds, aborting
Processed: 0 rows; Rate:       0 rows/s; Avg. rate:       0 rows/s
0 rows imported from 1 files in 1 minute and 30.180 seconds (0 skipped).

A1Rerun the import command or create/set the following ~/.cassandra/cqlshrc parameters from the account used to run cqlsh and re-run the import command

# default is 10 seconds, set to None to disable
# default is 10 seconds, set to None to disable

Q2: Sometimes I get the following "Pickling" error (see below), how do I resolve this?

PicklingError: Can't pickle <class 'cqlshlib.copyutil.ImmutableDict'>: attribute lookup cqlshlib.copyutil.ImmutableDict failed

A2: Suffix the following to the end of your COPY commands: WITH MINBATCHSIZE=1 AND MAXBATCHSIZE=1 AND PAGESIZE=10

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