Compare SysML block_activity connection with Simulink model
The model transform connections between SysML block/activity and corresponding Simulink models, as generated in sections 2.15.1 and 2.15.2 above, make it possible to compare the SysML block/activity structure and the Simulink model downstream. In this section, we will first demonstrate the compare operation when SysML block/activity is changed followed by the demonstration of compare operation when Simulink models are changed.
Compare operation when SysML model is changed
- In the Blocks package in MagicDraw, create a new block B11 with an input flow port in1 and output flow port out1, both typed by Integer value type.
- In the Internal Block Diagram for the block PartB1, add a new part property pb11 typed by the new block B11, and create connectors as shown below.
- Click on the Connection Browser tab, select the connection under PartB1, right click and select Compare SysML and Target.
- The Comparison Result tab will open and show the comparison table. This may take few seconds as Syndeia launches Simulink and queries the model. Green rows indicate in-sync and red rows indicate out-of-sync elements. The table shows that property pb11 is new in SysML (does not exist in Simulink) and so are the 2 connectors added in the IBD.
- Next, we will make changes to the activity model. In the Activity package in MagicDraw, create a new activity Mission B11 in with one input activity parameter b11In1 and one output activity parameter b11Out1, both typed by Integer.
- In the activity diagram for the existing activity Mission B1, add a call behavior action mb11 typed by the activity Mission B11, and create new object flows as shown below.
- Click on the Connection Browser tab, select the connection under Activity::Mission B1, right click and select Compare SysML and Target, as shown below.
- The Comparison Result tab will open and show the comparison table. This may take few seconds as Syndeia launches MATLAB/Simulink and queries the model. Green rows indicate in-sync and red rows indicate out-of-sync elements. The table shows that call behavior action mb11 is new in SysML (does not exist in Simulink) and so are the 2 object flows in Mission B1—added in the activity model shown.
In general, Syndeia can detect the following types of changes in the SysML model when comparing with a connected Simulink model:
- Addition/removal of part properties in a block and call behavior actions in an activity
- Addition/removal of connectors in a block and object flows in an activity
- Addition/removal of full/proxy/flow ports in a block and activity parameter nodes in an activity
- Rewiring of connectors in a block and object flows in an activity, e.g. changing the source and/or target ends.
- Changing names and type of part properties in a block and call behavior actions in an activity
- Changing names and types of flow ports in a block and activity parameter nodes in an activity
Compare operation when Simulink model is changed
- Create a new Simulink model PartC11 with:
- two inports with names and types as in1: double and in2: int32
- two outports with names and types as out1: double and out2: boolean
- In the existing Simulink model PartC1, add a new model reference block pointing to the new model PartC11, and connect lines between ports, as shown below. Save the PartC1 Simulink model.
- In the Syndeia Dashboard, click on the Connection Browser tab, select the connection under Blocks::PartC1 block, right click, and select Compare SysML & Target.
- The Comparison Result tab will open and show the comparison table. This may take few seconds as Syndeia launches MATLAB/Simulink and queries the model. Green rows indicate in-sync and red rows indicate out-of-sync elements. The table shows the new block pc11:PartC11 added to the Simulink model that does not exist in SysML, and the 4 new lines added to PartC1 Simulink model that do not exist in SysML.
- Similarly, you can add repeat the steps 1-4 for a Simulink model connected to a SysML activity.
In general, Syndeia can detect the following types of changes in the Simulink model when comparing with a connected SysML modelAddition/removal of model reference blocks or library blocks
- Addition/removal of lines (block connections)
- Addition/removal of inports and outport.
- Rewiring of lines in a Simulink model
- Changing names and type of model reference blocks
- Changing names and types of inports and outports
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