Drag-n-drop operations for DOORS-NG Repositories
# | Drag This | To This | With This Connection Type | And This Will Happen |
D1 | Anything from the System Model Panel (or Repository Panel) | Anything in the Repository Panel (or System Model Panel) | Reference | Reference Connection will be created but nothing will be generated. |
D2 | SysML requirement | DOORS-NG repository or folder | Model Transform |
D3 | SysML requirement | DOORS-NG repository or folder | Data Map |
D4 | DOORS-NG Module | SysML Package | Model Transform |
D5 | DOORS-NG Module | SysML Package | Data Map |
D6 | DOORS-NG Requirement Collection | SysML Package | Model Transform |
D7 | DOORS-NG Requirement | SysML Package | Data Map |
In DOORS-NG, requirement and requirement collection are the base resource types. Different types of artifacts are defined in a DOORS-NG project based on these basic resource types. For example, System Requirement, Hardware Requirement, and Software Requirement may be three artifact types which have the same base type as requirement. When generating requirements or collections in DOORS-NG from SysML (operations D2 and D3 in the table above), you can set the specific type of artifact that needs to be generated in DOORS-NG, e.g. generate a System Requirement versus a basic requirement in DOORS-NG. Follow the steps below to do this:
Go to Syndeia > Utils > DOORS-NG Utils menu by right clicking on any SysML element in the model tree. This will launch the DOORS-NG Utils window as shown below. Select your DOORS-NG repository, project, resource type, and press OK. Syndeia will query the DOORS-NG server and output all artifact types available for the given resource type in the specified DOORS-NG project.
For a given SysML requirement, apply the DOORS-NG module, requirement collection, or requirement stereotype, and set the value of the _artifact_type tag to one of the artifact type values obtained in the previous step, as shown below.
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