Creating a SysML – DOORS NG Reference Connection.
Creating a SysML – DOORS NG Reference Connection.
- The object of this tutorial is to create a reference connection between an existing SysML element in Rhapsody and an existing requirement in DOORS NG. Once created, this reference connection will be used to open the DOORS NG web interface to the connected requirement from Rhapsody.
- We assume the user has access to a DOORS NG repository, including a folder where the user is allowed to create and modify requirements for the purposes of this tutorial, and has some familiarity with the basic navigation of the DOORS NG interface. For this exercise, this folder should contain at least one existing DOORS requirement.
- Open the Rhapsody model DOORS NG Tutorial. Right-click on package DOORS NG Tutorial, launch the Syndeia dashboard, and click on the Repository Manager tab. Make sure that a link to your DOORS NG repository has already been created. If not, set up a link as described here.
- Go to the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Manager tab. On the right side, select the DOORS NG repository and expand to show at least one requirement. In Figure below, we will use 1779 – UAV System Specification. On the left side, expand the model to show the cUAV block in the 2.16.1 Reference Connection package.
- To create a reference connection between cUAV and 1779 – UAV System Specification.
- Set Connection Type to Reference in center section
- Drag-and-drop cUAV from the left side on top of the 1779 requirement on the right side (or the reverse).
- To confirm that a connection has been made, go to the Connection Summary tab and click Refresh. It should appear similar to this-
- Close the Syndeia dashboard. From the Containment Browser in Rhapsody, right-click the cUAV block and select Syndeia→Open Connected Artifact. The DOORS NG interface should open to the connected requirement in your default web browser.
, multiple selections available,
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