Creating a SysML – JIRA Reference Connection.
Creating a SysML – JIRA Reference Connection.
- The object of this tutorial is to create reference connections between a SysML element and one or more existing JIRA issues. We will use the provided Rhapsody project JIRA Tutorial. We also assume that the student has access to a JIRA repository and has the ability to create and edit issues within a JIRA project. For this demonstration, we have created three sample issues labeled as SDB-71, SDB-72 and SDB-73 within our Syndeia Demo Box project, but you may use any existing issues in your JIRA repository, instead.
- Open the JIRA Tutorial project in Rhapsody. Right-click the JIRA Tutorial package and select Syndeia → Dashboard.
- In the Repository Manager tab, create a link to the JIRA repository if one has not already been set up. Right-click on JIRA and select Add…. In the JIRA window that pops up, give the repository and identifying name and add url, user name and password for the repository to which you have access. Click OK.
- If the connection is successful, the Syndeia dashboard should look like this-
- To create a reference connection between a SysML element and a JIRA issue, go to the Connection Manager tab on the Syndeia dashboard
- Expand the SysML model in the left pane to show the JIRA Test Block.
- Select Reference under Connection Type in the middle pane.
- Expand the Issues folder in the right pane to show the issues to be connected.
- Drag and drop JIRA Test Block from the left pane on top of an issue in the right pane to connect them. Repeat to connect additional issues.
- To see the reference connections that have been created, go to the Connection Summary tab on the Syndeia dashboard and click the Refresh button
- The reference connections can be used in a number of ways by Syndeia. Close the Syndeia dashboard. To open a JIRA issue directly from Rhapsody, right-click on JIRA Test Block in the containment browser and select Syndeia → Open Connected Artifacts. Because there are three connected issues, a small window with three check boxes appears. Check one and the JIRA issues will be opened in the default web browser. Note: your JIRA interface may appear different depending on your configuration settings.
- Alternatively, the reference connections may be used to display a summary of all the connected issues. Right-click on JIRA Test Block in the containment browser and select Syndeia → Summarize Connected Artifacts. A window appears.
, multiple selections available,
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