Sync SysML -> Simulink.

Sync SysML -> Simulink.

This section describes the process for syncing changes in SysML blocks to the connected Simulink model.

  1. Begin with the connected and synced models from previous test. 

  2. Add the following in the SysML model:
    1. Create a copy of the PartB1 block from the Bus Models :: Blocks package, name it PartB2, and move it to the Basic Models :: Blocks package.
    2. Create a copy of the in2 : Bus_2 proxy port from Bus Models :: Blocks :: System, name it in3, and move it to Basic Models :: Block :: System. Check that the port is displayed on the diagram.
    3. Create a part property pB2 : PartB2 and display it and its ports on the diagram as well.
    4. Create a connector between in2 and pB2.in1.

  3. Delete the following from System block:
    1. Part Property pA : PartA (which should also delete three Connectors automatically)
    2. Flow Port in1  : Real

  4. Compare SysML & Target

  5. Sync SysML -> Target then open the System Simulink model to see changes/rearrange

  6. Compare again to see all is in sync

  7. If you have changes made in a multi-level block structure, you should sync leaf-level blocks BEFORE syncing parent models (except in the case of a new child being added that is not yet connected as shown with pB2 : PartB2 above). For instance, if you add and/or delete ports on PartC block, which is used as part property pC in System, you should compare and sync PartC to resolve changes, then compare and sync the parent block, System.

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