Exercise 11.5 - SysML Requirements to Teamcenter.

Exercise 11.5 - SysML Requirements to Teamcenter.


The new learning objective of this exercise is to generate requirements in Teamcenter from requirements in a SysML model, using the default Syndeia SysML-Teamcenter mapping.


This exercise assumes the student has

  • IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.2 installed correctly on his or her machine with a valid license for use, and

  • Syndeia 3.3 installed as a plugin for Rhapsody with a valid license for use

  • Syndeia Teamcenter interface, correctly installed with a valid license for user.

  • A Teamcenter repository network connection in the Syndeia Repository Manager

We will use the provided Rhapsody project Syndeia_Tutorial_Testbed.rpy. The specific instructions call for a Teamcenter network connection named Teamcenter 11.2 AWS @ Intercax Office, but the user can use any Teamcenter repository network connection they have available. It is generally advisable to carry out these exercises in a non-production repository, a "sandbox", set up for training and practice purposes.


  1. In this exercise, we will start with the requirements model in the Teamcenter_Tutorial Part 3::Requirements package in Syndeia Tutorial Testbed.rpy. The UAV Reqts diagram looks like Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Modified UAV SysML model

  2. We will add two new stereotypes from the Syndeia profile to identify the top two requirements as special Teamcenter requirements elements.

    1. In the Rhapsody model view browser, right-click on UAV Specification, select Stereotype, check the box next to TC_RequirementSpec_Revision, and click OK.

    2. Similarly, right-click on Engine Specification, select Stereotype, check the box next to TC_Paragraph_Revision, and click OK.
      The additional stereotypes on these two elements will appear on the requirements diagram. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to describe the significance of Paragraphs and Requirement Specifications in Teamcenter repositories, but these elements obey certain rules in building requirements hierarchies and applying the stereotypes at the SysML level is necessary for Syndeia to recognize the need to create these elements in the next step.

  3. Launch the Syndeia dashboard from the Teamcenter_Tutorial Part 3 package and select a Syndeia project if necessary.

  4. Go to the Settings tab. Make sure that the Use mapping checkbox is unchecked. We will work with custom mappings for SysML-to-Teamcenter in later exercises.

  5. Scroll down to the Teamcenter setting and check the boxes shown in Figure 3. These affect the model transform of Teamcenter trace links, which we will use later in the exercise.

    Figure 3  Syndeia dashboard, Connection Manager tab, with SysML requirements on left

  6. Go to the Connection Manager tab. Open the SysML model in the left column and your Teamcenter repository on the right. In Figure 4, we have an empty folder named Demo 1.

  7. Set Connection Type to Model Transform. Drag the SysML UAV Specification requirement onto the Demo 1 folder. When the process is complete, the Teamcenter requirements will be visible on the right side, as shown in Figure 5.

    Figure 4  Syndeia dashboard, Connection Manager tab, with SysML requirements on left

    Figure 5  Connection Manager after model transform complete

  8. In the Connection Summary tab, check that four new connections have been created, as seen in Figure 6.

    Figure 6  Syndeia dashboard, Connection Search tab, showing new connections between SysML and Teamcenter requirements 


  9. Modify the Rhapsody requirements diagram to display tag values. It should appear similar to Figure 7 at this stage. Note that additional applied stereotypes are assigned to all elements and additional tagged values have been created and given values.

    Figure 7  Rhapsody requirements after Teamcenter model transform 

  10. In the Connection Browser tab, right-click the Teamcenter_Tutorial Part 3 package and select Sync Target -> Source. This step is necessary to backfill some tag values in Rhapsody, e.g. object-desc, that are not filled in automatically.

  11. Change the text and the object_desc tags of the Max Power requirement in SysML to read, "The UAV engine shall generate at least 75 horsepower."

  12. In the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Browser, right-click the Teamcenter_Tutorial Part 3 package and select Compare Source & Target. The results should appear similar to Figure 8. The first red row indicates that the Max Power requirement (contained within the Engine Specification) is different between SysML and Teamcenter. The second red row specifically identifies a difference in text between the two. The third red row specifically identifies a difference in object_desc between the two.

    Figure 8  Syndeia dashboard, Comparison Results tab, showing differences between SysML and Teamcenter requirements 

  13. In the Connection Browser tab, right-click the Teamcenter_Tutorial Part 3 package again and select Sync Source -> Target. Do a new comparison to see that the differences have been removed.

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