COPY-Test Exercise 7.4 - Jama - SysML Compare & Sync
The new learning objectives of this exercise are to compare connected requirements models in Jama and MagicDraw and synchronize changes that have arisen.
This exercise assumes the student has
Cameo System Modeler 18.0 - 19.0 (or MagicDraw with SysML plug-in) installed correctly on his or her machine with a valid license for use, and
Syndeia 3.3 installed as a plugin for Cameo/MagicDraw with a valid license for use
Syndeia Jama interface, correctly installed with a valid license for user.
A Jama repository network connection in the Syndeia Repository Manager
The user can use any Jama repository they have available. It is generally advisable to carry out these exercises in a non-production repository, a "sandbox", set up for training and practice purposes.
This exercise assumes the user has completed either Exercise 7.2 or 7.3 and created a set of linked requirements between the SysML model Syndeia_Jama_Mapping_Tutorial.mdzip and their Jama repository.
In the Connection Browser tab on the Syndeia dashboard, select the Regulatory Requirements connection created in either exercise. Right-click and compare across that connection before any changes have been made to see that all is in sync (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Connection Browser tab, Syndeia dashboard, comparing across connectionThe Comparison Result tab will open and the results should appear similar to Figure 2.
Figure 2 Initial comparison result
Modify the Regulatory Requirements text field in MagicDraw and add a sub-requirement, FCC Regulations, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Modifying Regulatory Requirements in MagicDraw
Compare across the same connection as in Step 2 and display the comparison results (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Comparison Results after modifying MagicDraw requirements
Return to the Connection Browser, click Refresh to show the new child requirement, right-click the Regulatory Requirements connection and select Sync Source -> Target (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Syncing SysML changes to Jama
Repeat the comparison as in Step 2 and check that the Comparison Result shows all green, as in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Comparison Results after syncing SysML to Target
Check the same requirement in Jama through its web interface to see the modified requirement text and sub-requirement (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Jama web interface showing modified requirements
While in the Jama interface, modify the requirement text again and add one more sub-requirement called Communications Requirement (Figure 8).
Figure 8 Making changes to Jama requirements in Jama web interface
Repeat the comparison as in Step 5 to see the changes (Figure 9).
In the Connection Browser, right-click the Regulatory Requirements connection and select Sync Target → Source.
Figure 9 Comparison Results after modifying Jama requirements
View the new requirement and updated text in the MagicDraw model (Figure 10).
Figure 10 MagicDraw model showing modified requirements