COPY-Test Using Syndeia with MySQL.
COPY-Test Using Syndeia with MySQL.
For connecting and communicating with MySQL, you will need only 1 jar file. Follow the instructions in this section to prepare the libMySQL folder.
- Create a folder named libMySQL to collect the 1 the jar file needed for MySQL 5.6.
- If you have MySQL Workbench (client) installed on your machine, follow the sub-steps below, else move to the next step.
- Go to the folder <Your MySQL Workbench installation>\MySQL\Connector J 5.1.26, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\Connector J 5.1.26.
- Copy the jar file mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx-bin.jar to the libMySQL folder.
- Alternatively, you can download the jar file from the following site. Download the zip file, unzip it, and copy the mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx-bin.jar to the libMyQL folder.
https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ - Rename the jar file copied in libMySQL folder to mysql-connector-java-5.1.xx.jar.