Syndeia 3.3 - New Features

Syndeia 3.3 brings powerful new features for enabling a digital thread for complex products/systems. 

Syndeia Cloud 3.3

Syndeia 3.3 brings significant advancements to Syndeia Cloud.  We continue to build new and advanced capabilities for digital thread and cloud-native MBE/MBSE on Syndeia Cloud, which is the future of Syndeia.

Syndeia Cloud Graph Queries

Syndeia Cloud 3.3 includes a powerful graph service backed by a scalable graph database and engine. As users perform model transformations and create inter-model relationships using Syndeia, such as by generating requirements in SysML from a requirements management system (e.g. Jama), or initializing a bill-of-materials in PLM from the hardware architecture, or connecting software architecture with code in GitHub and Jira issues, a digital graph is built at the backend. Users can query this graph using standard Gremlin language (Apache Tinkerpop) and see results in graphical, tabular, and JSON formats in the new Syndeia Web Dashboard. Users can input graph queries using three approaches:

  • Query Builder allows users to construct Gremlin queries using simple filters. This is best suited for new users who are not familiar with Gremlin.

  • Raw Query allows users to specify advanced Gremlin queries with multiple steps and constraints. This is best suited for users who have learned the basics of Gremlin and need to perform complex graph analyses, such as tracing and visualizing extended chains of relationships from requirements to system architecture to hardware/software and tests across multiple engineering tools/repositories.

  • REST API allows users to send complex graph queries via a POST request to the Syndeia Cloud API and receive a JSON response of the results. This is best suited for automation, scheduling, and reporting of frequently asked queries. See details under the REST API section below.

Syndeia Cloud Web-Dashboard

Syndeia Cloud 3.3 comes with a new Web Dashboard that allows users to log in to Syndeia Cloud, build and execute graph queries (see above), visualize results of graph analyses, and view the latest digital thread analytics. Syndeia administrators can now use the web-dashboard for user management, such as adding users, deactivating users, or modifying their permissions. 

Digital thread analytics show the number of artifacts and relationships from various tools and repositories that constitute your digital thread. It summarizes the distribution of digital thread information by repositories/tools and by the type of information.


Syndeia Cloud REST API - Graph queries and Type system

Syndeia Cloud 3.3 expands its powerful REST API by adding a formal type system. API users can define and query types and attribute definitions for artifacts and relations. All Syndeia resources, such as Repository, Container, Artifact, and Relationship must have a base type and can have multiple extensible types. Users can build libraries of types for various domains based on their meta-models, such as a library of element types in the upcoming SysML 2.0 standard. 

 A dedicated endpoint for the graph service makes it possible to send graph queries in standard Gremlin language (Apache Tinkerpop) as a POST request and receive graph data as a JSON response.

Syndeia Cloud Microservice Architecture

Syndeia Cloud 3.3 comes with a new microservices architecture at the backend that confirms to the Reactive manifesto. This makes Syndeia Cloud blazing fast, scalable, resilient, and a configurable enterprise application. The microservice architecture makes it possible to deploy Syndeia Cloud services on different hardware machines and scale independently based on workload.

New Integrations

Syndeia 3.3 brings 4 new tool/repository integrations - TestRail, Artifactory, Test Management for Jira (TM4J), and Simulink Requirements.


Syndeia 3.3 brings integration to TestRail, a comprehensive test management system. System engineers can generate test suites with test cases in TestRail from SysML elements and vice versa. The new Relationship Mapping feature in Syndeia 3.3 allows users to customize mappings between SysML element/relationship types and TestRail types. Syndeia manages the inter-model relationships between SysML elements and TestRail artifacts. Changes on either side can be compared and synchronized bi-directionally, such as when new test cases are added to the test suite or when new test results are available. Test suites and test cases in TestRail can be connected with artifacts in any repository/tool beyond SysML, such as requirements in Jama, or parts in Teamcenter PLM system, issues in JIRA, or software code on GitHub. 

Test Management for Jira (TM4J)

Syndeia 3.3 brings integration to Test Management for Jira (TM4J), a test management solution deployed on Jira. Similar to the TestRail integration, the TM4J integration makes it possible for system engineers to generate test plans, test cycles, and test cases in TM4 from the SysML model and vice versa. The new Relationship Mapping feature in Syndeia 3.3 allows users to customize mappings between SysML element/relationship types and TM4J types (Test Plan, Test Cycle, Test Case, and their inter-relationships). Syndeia manages the inter-model relationships between SysML elements and TM4J artifacts. Changes on either side can be compared and synchronized bi-directionally, such as when new test cases are added to the test cycle or when new test cycles are added to a test plan. TM4J artifacts can be connected with artifacts in any repository/tool beyond SysML, such as requirements in DOORS-NG, or parts in Windchill PLM system, issues in JIRA, or software code on GitHub. 


Syndeia 3.3 brings integration to JFrog Artifactory, a universal package manager for storing and managing files and packages in engineering development. Many organizations use Artifactory to manage software packages and files originating from various engineering teams. Syndeia's integration with Arifactory makes it possible to connect to multiple Artifactory servers, browse and search for contents, and connect any file or build in Artifactory to artifacts originating from other repositories/tools such as SysML modeling tools, Teamcenter, Jama, Windchill, JIRA, GitHub, and so on.


Simulink Requirements

Syndeia 3.3 brings bi-directional model transformation, comparison, and sync capabilities for Simulink requirements. System engineers can generate Simulink requirement structure from SysML requirements, which can then be allocated to other Simulink elements such as Simulink blocks, signals/buses, and ports. Alternatively, SysML requirements can be generated from Simulink requirements. Inter-model relationships between SysML and Simulink requirements are managed by Syndeia. Changes made on either side can be compared and synchronized bi-directionally.

New Capabilities

Syndeia 3.3 brings additional new capabilities for users beyond Syndeia Cloud and new integrations.

Relationship Mappings

Syndeia 3.3 makes it possible for users to define relationship mappings to control the types of relationships between artifacts that are generated, compared, and synchronized during model transformations. Custom mappings are a powerful feature of Syndeia, being used by most Syndeia users. In addition to mapping artifact types and attributes, Syndeia users can now also map relationship types between repositories/tools. For example, mapping the <<satisfy>> relationship type in SysML to the Relates link type in JIRA, and mapping the Containment relationship type in SysML to the Blocks link type in Jira will result in the following Jira issue structure generated from the SysML element structure, or vice versa.


Syndeia 3.3 has added support for Simulink subsystem blocks and custom library link blocks in addition to model reference blocks and library blocks that are already supported. SysML → Simulink model transformation now provides the option of generating model references or subsystems in addition to library blocks. Conversely, subsystem blocks in a Simulink model can be brought over as SysML blocks or activities. Syndeia 3.3 also provides settings to control the model levels that are transformed and synchronized between SysML and Simulink. Users can select from Simple, Immediate, or Recursive as shown below.

Other improvements, fixes, and experimental features

In addition to the new features introduced above, Syndeia 3.3 also brings improvements and fixes to existing capabilities, such as listed below.

Over 130 tutorials with videos and step-by-step exercises

Syndeia 3.3 comes with over 130 tutorials with videos and step-by-step exercises. All of these are available online. We have rebuilt and expanded our Syndeia training course, and all of this is included with your Syndeia 3.3 subscription.

Support for multiple drag-and-drop operations

By user demand, we have reinstated the capability to do multiple drag and drops in Syndeia 3.3. Users can now multiple select elements in any repository and drop to another repository. This works with both pre-defined and custom mappings.

Jira ↔ GitHub issues

Syndeia 3.3 now supports generation, comparison, and sync of issues between Jira and GitHub. This makes it possible for teams to maintain both issue tracking systems, e.g. Jira used by the broader engineering team and GitHub used by software engineers for tracking issues. Syndeia makes it possible to keep the two in sync.

Browse inter-model relations from any repository in the Syndeia Dashboard

Syndeia 3.3 makes it possible to view the inter-model relationships from any repository in the Syndeia Dashboard. Users can view both incoming and outgoing inter-model relationships for any artifact in the Syndeia Dashboard, e.g. Jama items, Teamcenter items, Windchill parts, Simulink models, GitHub files, Jira issues, and so on. This makes it possible for users to view both intra-model and inter-model relationships in one single place in the Syndeia Dashboard.

View upstream/downstream relationships in Jama and links in DOORS-NG

With Syndeia 3.3, users can view upstream and downstream relationships for any Jama item in the Syndeia Dashboard. Additionally, users can view links from/to any DOORS-NG artifact in the Syndeia Dashboard.

All Syndeia Features

For a detailed list of all Syndeia 3.3 features, refer to this page.