3.4 Service Pack 2 (3.4 SP2)

In this section, instructions on how to deploy Syndeia Cloud 3.4 Service Pack 2 (SP2) are presented.

Updates and fixes in this service pack (3.4 SP2)

Syndeia Cloud 3.4 SP2, including the REST API and the Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard, has several improvements which are listed here.

For the remainder of this document, we will use SC to refer to Syndeia Cloud.

Installation Process

Syndeia Cloud 3.4 SP2 is a full build of Syndeia Cloud and not a patch/incremental build. It is an in-place upgrade of the Syndeia Cloud services and does NOT require any data migration. Follow the steps below to deploy Syndeia Cloud 3.4 SP2.

  1. Download & extract the three .zip files to your home directory, i.e. syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19.zip, syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19_janusgraph.zip, syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19_cassandra_zookeeper_kafka_setup.zip

  2. Identify your current platform (Windows, Linux) and Syndeia Cloud version.
    Version can be identified by the filename of the .zip you originally downloaded, ex: syndeia-cloud-3.3.2021-01-27.SP1, syndeia-cloud-3.4.2021-06-03, syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP1_2021-10-14.

  3. Start following the instructions below for the scenario and platform relevant to your environment. If a platform is not listed, no specific actions are needed for that platform.
    There are 3 possible installation/upgrade scenarios, you should select ONLY the one that applies to you and then move to the Verification step at the end:

Scenario 1: If you are deploying SC 3.4 (or SC in general) for the first time, use this build (SC 3.4 SP2)

1.1. Gather the three .zip files you downloaded for Syndeia Cloud 3.4 SP2 and use them with the instructions here: https://intercax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYN34/pages/2409187145/Deployment

Scenario 2: If you are already running SC 3.4 or SC 3.4 SP1 and upgrading to this 3.4 SP2 release

  • If you are running SC 3.4 SP1 and upgrading to SC 3.4 SP2, follow Scenario 2A below.

  • If you are running SC 3.4 and upgrading to SC 3.4 SP2, follow Scenario 2B below.

Scenario 2A. SC 3.4 SP1 → SC 3.4 SP2


2A.1. Upgrade Syndeia Cloud (SC) to 3.4 SP2: in your bash shell, run:  ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --SC_v 3.4.SP2_2022-03-19 and follow the prompts. ( Note, if you are running a multi-node configuration you will also need to pass in --multi_node (or -m), ie: ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --multi_node --SC_version=3.4.SP2_2022-03-19)


2A.1. Stop all existing SC services via services.msc (SCM)

2A.2. Upgrade Syndeia Cloud (SC) to 3.4 SP2: in a Cygwin/WSL terminal, run:  ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install_windows.bash --upgrade --SC_v 3.4.SP2_2022-03-19 and follow the prompts ( Note, If you are running a multi-node configuration you will also need to pass in --multi_node (or -m), ie: ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --multi_node --SC_version=3.4.SP2_2022-03-19).

Scenario 2B. SC 3.4.0 → SC 3.4 SP2


2B.1. Upgrade Janusgraph (JG) SC DB to 3.4 SP2:

2B.1.1. Run /opt/janusgraph-current/bin/gremlin.sh

2B.1.2. Run the following Groovy code below ( this will check & set query.smart-limit to false):

:remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml session :remote console graph = ConfiguredGraphFactory.open('syndeia_cloud_graph') graph.tx().rollback() mgmt = graph.openManagement() // below checks query.smart-limit mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') mgmt.set('query.smart-limit', false) // above sets query.smart-limit to "false" mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') // you should get ==>false above mgmt.commit() :quit

The output as you execute each line should look similar to this:

gremlin> :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml session ==>Configured localhost/[0f1a9b8d-8430-4dcd-a72d-05d5c5b0ffb9] gremlin> :remote console ==>All scripts will now be sent to Gremlin Server - [localhost/]-[0f1a9b8d-8430-4dcd-a72d-05d5c5b0ffb9] - type ':remote console' to return to local mode gremlin> graph = ConfiguredGraphFactory.open('syndeia_cloud_graph') ==>standardjanusgraph[cql:[localhost]] gremlin> graph.tx().rollback() ==>null gremlin> mgmt = graph.openManagement() ==>org.janusgraph.graphdb.database.management.ManagementSystem@aa6b750 gremlin> // below checks query.smart-limit ==>null gremlin> mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') ==>true gremlin> mgmt.set('query.smart-limit', false) ==>org.janusgraph.diskstorage.configuration.UserModifiableConfiguration@436ce29 gremlin> // above sets query.smart-limit to "false" ==>null gremlin> mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') ==>false gremlin> // you should get ==>false above ==>null gremlin> mgmt.commit() ==>null gremlin> :quit


2B.2. Upgrade Syndeia Cloud (SC) to 3.4 SP2: in your bash shell, run:  export SC_snapshot_version_old=3.4; ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --SC_v 3.4.SP2_2022-03-19 and follow the prompts. ( Note, if you are running a multi-node configuration you will also need to pass in --multi_node (or -m), ie: export SC_snapshot_version_old=3.4; ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --multi_node --SC_version=3.4.SP2_2022-03-19)


2B.1. Stop all existing SC services via services.msc (SCM)

2B.2. Upgrade Janusgraph (JG) SC DB to 3.4 SP2:

2B.2.1. In a Cygwin/WSL terminal, run /opt/janusgraph-current/bin/gremlin.bat

2B.2.2. Run the following Groovy code below ( this will check & set query.smart-limit to false):

:remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/remote.yaml session :remote console graph = ConfiguredGraphFactory.open('syndeia_cloud_graph') graph.tx().rollback() mgmt = graph.openManagement() // below checks query.smart-limit mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') mgmt.set('query.smart-limit', false) // above sets query.smart-limit to "false" mgmt.get('query.smart-limit') // you should get ==>false above mgmt.commit() :quit

The output as you execute each line should look similar to this:


2B.3. Upgrade Syndeia Cloud (SC) to 3.4 SP2: in a Cygwin/WSL terminal, run:  export SC_snapshot_version_old=3.4; ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install_windows.bash --upgrade --SC_v 3.4.SP2_2022-03-19 and follow the prompts ( Note, If you are running a multi-node configuration you will also need to pass in --multi_node (or -m), ie: export SC_snapshot_version_old=3.4; ~/syndeia-cloud-3.4.SP2_2022-03-19/bin/syndeia-cloud-3.4_install.bash --upgrade --multi_node --SC_version=3.4.SP2_2022-03-19).

Scenario 3: If you are running SC 3.3.0 or 3.3 SP1 and upgrading to this 3.4 SP2 release

Linux / Windows

3.1. Please follow the instructions on the Migration page but use SC 3.4 SP2 everywhere where it references SC 3.4.


Note, at the end of deployment, your SC web-gateway settings will be reset back to their defaults (ex: HTTP, port = 9000). If you previously were using SSL/TLS Certificates and/or a custom port, you will need to re-apply these settings.

For your convenience your web-gateway service's conf/keystore directory should have been copied over but your conf/application.conf settings will need to be re-applied. To re-apply the settings, perform the following steps:

  1. Open your previous version’s web-gateway conf/application.conf file,

  2. Copy the relevant settings (Linux, Windows),

  3. Paste them into the new version’s web-gateway conf/application.conf (adjust any paths to the new $SC_snapshot_version if necessary),

  4. Save the file, and

  5. Restart the web-gateway service

    • Windows: from Run as Administrator Command Prompt (CMD.EXE): sc.exe '\\localhost' stop sc-web-gateway && sc.exe '\\localhost' start sc-web-gateway,

    • Linux: sudo systemctl restart sc-web-gateway

  1. When logged into the SC web-dashboard, you should now see “3.4 SP2” reported under Help > About in the sidebar

  2. Follow the steps in the section Validating Syndeia Cloud Installation & Configuration on the following page to verify your installation: