Connection Generator for Jama

Follow the general instructions below to create connections (inter-model relations) between existing elements in SysML and Jama using your own custom Syndeia mappings.

  1. To prepare, apply the stereotype(s) you are using for your custom mapping in SysML to each element you wish to connect (e.g. requirements), and populate a stereotype tag or attribute with either the Jama Item ID (documentKey) or the Global ID (globalId). In the example shown below, the <Intercax_Artifact> stereotype is applied to 4 requirements, and for each, the id tag is populated with the Jama Item ID (documentKey) of a Jama requirement.


    Jama requirement with Item ID (documentKey) and Global ID (globalId) highlighted


    SysML requirements with <Intercax_Artifact> stereotype applied and the id tag populated with Jama item ID


  2. Launch the Syndeia Dashboard by right-clicking a package (or any element) and selecting Syndeia > Dashboard. Connect to your Jama repository and ensure you have a custom mapping with attributes that map the Jama Item ID (documentKey) or Global ID (globalId) to the SysML stereotype tags or attribute used above.


  3. Launch the Connection Generator utility by right-clicking a package (or any element) in the SysML containment tree and selecting Syndeia > Utils > Connection Generator. If you do not see it launch immediately, check behind the MagicDraw window.


  4. Select the match criteria for Source as follows (see example Connection Generator window below):

    1. Repository = Active SysML Repository

    2. Project = Root-level Model element in the active MagicDraw project

    3. Scope = Package which contains all of the elements you wish to connect

    4. Recursive = Select this option if you want to connect elements recursively under the Scope (package), or keep it unselected if you want to only connect elements immediately under the Scope (package)

    5. Base Type = SysML type of the elements to connect e.g. Requirement

    6. Additional Type = Additional custom stereotypes that are applied to the base type. These custom stereotypes will have tags populated with the Item ID or Global ID in Jama.


  5. Select the match criteria for Target as follows (see example in Connection Generator window below):

    1. Repository = Jama repository

    2. Project = Jama project which contains requirements (or other types of items) that need to be connected

    3. Base Type = Type of Jama item to be connected. This corresponds to the Target Artifact Type in your custom mapping.


  6. Under Attribute Filters click the [+] button and select the criteria:

    1. Source Attribute Definition = Tag or attribute of the SysML element which contains the matching Jama Item ID or Global ID

    2. Target Attribute Definition = Either Item ID (documentKey) or Global ID (globalId) according to the identifier you populated the SysML tag with


  7. Click the Find Matches button, and Syndeia will take a moment to search and return all matches found based on the above criteria.


  8. Select the rows of each pair you wish to create connections between and select the desired mapping from the dropdown. Alternatively, click the Select All button to select all matches.


  9. Click the Generate Connections button, after which Syndeia should create the connections and show a successful message once it is done:


  10. You should be able to now locate the newly generated connections in the Connection Browser or Connection Search tabs. If you are using Syndeia Cloud, the connections are generated on Syndeia Cloud and available via the Syndeia Cloud Web Dashboard and REST API.



  11. You should also now be able to compare and sync differences across the new connections.