Part 5 - SysML-DOORS NG Capabilities

Part 5 - SysML-DOORS NG Capabilities

This series of tutorials offers exercises and video demonstrations for how a user can both relate the existing elements of Cameo SysML (MagicDraw) models with those of IBM Jazz CLM Doors NextGen (DNG) and can perform either preconfigured or customized Model Transformations between these MagicDraw and DNG repositories. When Model Transformations are performed Syndeia assists you in performing “ETL” operations: the exporting, transforming, and loading of content between repositories.

The following exercises are available. One should work through these and watch all the videos in the ordered sequence. Later tutorials often rely on the content and the comprehension of earlier tutorials.

DOORS NG to SysML Data Map

DOORS NG to SysML Collections and Modules

SysML to DOORS NG Model Transform

SysML - DOORS NG Custom Mappings and Relationships

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