Creating Relations on the Web Dashboard

Users can now browse and connect artifacts originating from different repositories directly on the Syndeia Web Dashboard.


The Syndeia Web Dashboard Tutorials available here include step-by-step exercises that demonstrate the creation of inter-model relations for each repository (e.g., Aras Innovator, JIRA, Jama Connect). We highly recommend that you go through the exercises.

General Approach

Creating from the Relations menu

A general approach for creating inter-model relations using the Syndeia Web Dashboard is shown below.

(1) Click on the Relations icon in the main menu of Syndeia Web Dashboard.

(2) Specify the following inputs for creating an inter-model relation.

  • Select an existing (or create a new) Syndeia project in which you want to create an inter-model relation.

  • Select the source repository and browse to the source artifact (e.g. Aircraft Platform in Aras Innovator).

  • Select the target repository and browse to the target artifact (e.g. JIRA task UAV-109).

  • Select the direction to specify the source/target of the relation.

  • Click on the Create Reference Relationship button.

Creating from the Repository/Artifacts view

(1) An alternate approach for creating inter-model relations is via the Relations menu and table available for an artifact. Select an artifact in any repository in the Tree view and then:

  • Click on the Relations menu on the RHS. You can see the Inter-model relations table along with an Intra-model relations table.

  • Click on the + button in the Inter-model relations table.

(2) Specify the following inputs for creating an inter-model relation.

  • Select an existing Syndeia project or create a new project

  • Select the other end of the Reference Relationship

  • Select the direction to specify source vs. target

  • Click on the Create Reference Relationship button.

(3) The Inter-model Relations table will refresh and show the newly created relationship.