Updating an Expired Server-side License

If your organization’s server-side license for your Syndeia subscription has expired - which it does annually - or if your evaluation license expired and you are ready to renew it, then follow these easy steps:

  • Visit Intercax.com/help and raise a new Support ticket to request renewal of your subscription. Please include your existing Contract identifier.

    • If you are moving your Intercax Reprise License Manager to a different network server, please include the new network MAC address for that new server

      • If your server doesn’t have a readily available MAC address, contact us at Intercax.com/help for alternative license-keying options

  • Look for your new server-side License File to be sent back as an attachment to your Intercax Help Desk ticket. It may be sent to your email - it absolutely will be stored with your ticket in the Intercax Support Portal at Intercax.com/help

  • Copy the “*.lic” License File to your organization’s server allocated for the Intercax Reprise License Manager

    1. On the license server, store the file to the directory Intercax_License_Server_Lin64

    2. Edit the file, changing "localhost" to the hostname of your RLM License Server (LS):  

      HOST localhost <MAC_address> <RLM_port> ISV intercax port=<ISV_Intercax_port> ...
    3.  If your Network Team allocated custom ports for the RLM service, you must set those in this file.

      1. Replace <RLM_port> and <ISV_Intercax_port> with the ports chosen by your Network Team.

    4. Changing any other lines in the file or adding additional lines will invalidate the license

  • Restart your Intercax Reprise License Manager.

This concludes the process to renew your license. There is no need to alter any files on the end-user workstations.