Syndeia and JIRA

Syndeia and JIRA


Connect to one or more JIRA repositories 
Connect to one or more JIRA repositories (servers) in your organization by supplying the URL and your credentials.


View contents of JIRA repositories 
View the contents of a JIRA repository, such as projects, assigned issues, and details directly from the Syndeia Dashboard.


Search JIRA repositories 
Search for JIRA issues using an easy-to-use query builder or directly entering JQL queries from the Syndeia Dashboard.


Create Reference connections between SysML model elements and JIRA elements 
Drag-n-drop artifacts from any repository/tool to any JIRA repository element (e.g. project, issue), or vice versa, to create a reference connection. A reference connection is the most basic form of traceability between artifacts and JIRA repository elements. A reference connection can be used to check if the version of the JIRA issue has changed.


Generate JIRA issues from SysML blocks (stereotyped as JIRA issue), and create Data Map or Model Transform connections 
Drag-n-drop a SysML block to a JIRA repository to generate a single issue (or an issue structure from block structure) with attributes populated from block value properties. This also creates connections between the SysML blocks and JIRA issues that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations. Data Map connections can be used to compare/sync block-issue attributes while the Model Transform connections can be used to compare/sync block-issue attributes and structure.


Generate SysML blocks (stereotyped as JIRA issue) from JIRA issues, and create Data Map and Model Transform connection 
Drag-n-drop a JIRA issue to a SysML package to generate a block structure with value properties (based on issue attributes). This also creates connections between the SysML blocks and JIRA issues that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations. Data Map connections can be used to compare/sync block-issue attributes while the Model Transform connections can be used to compare/sync block-issue attributes and structure.


Seed JIRA issues from SysML block, requirement, or activity structure 
Drag-n-drop a SysML block / requirement / activity to generate JIRA issue structure from block / requirement / activity structure. This also creates reference connection between the SysML elements and linked JIRA issues that can be used for checking if the issues have been updated.


Compare SysML block structure with value properties and JIRA issue structure with attributes 
Invoke the Compare operation on connections between SysML blocks and JIRA issues to generate a difference table that shows the in-sync and out-of-sync aspects of the two structures.


Sync SysML block structure with value properties --> JIRA issue structure with attributes 
Invoke the _Sync SysML --> Target_ operation on connections between SysML blocks and JIRA issues to compare and update the JIRA issue structure and attributes based on the SysML block structure and value properties.


Sync JIRA issue structure with attributes --> SysML block structure with value properties
Invoke the _Sync Target --> SysML_ operation on connections between SysML blocks and JIRA issues to compare and update the SysML block structure based on the JIRA issue structure.


Review JIRA project status from SysML 
Select a package in the SysML model and view all issues connected to elements in that package (recursively), and get JIRA statistics such as number of: (1) connected issues, (2) open issues, (3) issues assigned to a specific user, or (4) issues reported by a user. Download as an Excel report.


Connect existing SysML block and JIRA issues 
Drag-n-drop an existing SysML block to a JIRA issue (or vice versa) to create connections for downstream compare/sync.

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