Creating a SysML Block from a JIRA Issue.
- In some applications, it may be useful to have a SysML element in the Rhapsody model as a direct proxy for a JIRA issue and displaying many of the same attributes. If this SysML element is connected to the JIRA issues through a Syndeia Data Map connection, the default values of these attributes may be compared and updated as the system evolves.
- We begin with the JIRA Tutorial Model as it was at the completion of the last exercise.
- In the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Manager tab, select Data Map under Connection Type in the central pane. Drag one of the JIRA issues from the right pane onto the JIRA Tutorial package in the left pane (the SysML model). We use SYN-141 in this example. Click Yes to confirm. A new block appears in the left pane under the JIRA Tutorial package named Review tutorials. Go to the Connection Summary tab and click Refresh. A new connection of type BLOCK_JIRA_ISSUE_DATAMAP_CONNECTION appears.
- Return to Rhapsody. Create a new block definition diagram under the JIRA Tutorial package and drag the new block (e.g. Review tutorials) into the diagram. Note that an applied stereotype of <<JIRA_Issue>> is displayed along with <<block>>. The default values of the value properties are determined by the contents of the corresponding JIRA properties.
- Change one of the default values in the SysML block. In our example, we changed the status to Resolved.
- In the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Browser tab, right-click the Review tutorials row and select Compare SysML & Target. A difference table will be displayed automatically in the Comparison Result tab showing the discrepancy between the SysML block and JIRA issue.
- In the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Browser tab, right-click the Review tutorials row and select Sync Target → SysML. The default value of the status property of the SysML block will be reset to its value in JIRA, Resolved.
Note: In most cases, updating in the opposite direction is not possible. JIRA does not allow these values to be set through the API, only through the regular JIRA interface.