Creating SysML – Jama Mappings

Creating SysML – Jama Mappings

The new learning objective of this exercise is to create new SysML_Jama mappings for Data Map and Model Transform connections. This is intended for an advanced user who will create new mappings that will be used by other members of the organization.

This exercise assumes the student has

  • Cameo System Modeler 18.5 (or MagicDraw 18.5 with SysML plug-in) installed correctly on his or her machine with a valid license for use, and
  • Syndeia 3.2 installed as a plugin for Cameo/MagicDraw with a valid license for use
  • Syndeia Jama interface, correctly installed with a valid license for user
  • Syndeia Mappings license, to modify syndeia.mappings file from the Syndeia dashboard (without the special mappings license, existing mappings can be used, but not modified)

We will use the provided MagicDraw project Syndeia_Jama_Mapping_Tutorial.mdzip. The user can use any Jama repository they have available with the ability to create and edit model elements within a Jama model.  It is generally advisable to carry out these exercises in a non-production repository, a “sandbox”, set up for training and practice purposes.

Using mapping in Syndeia requires two new elements which are provided with these tutorials

  • A mappings file, syndeiaTutorial.mappings, which contains the specific starting mappings used in this and the following exercises. To install this,
  1. Close MagicDraw, if it is open
  2. Rename the existing syndeia.mappings file in the .syndeia folder to something like syndeiaOld.mappings
  3. Copy syndeiaTutorial.mappings into the .syndeia folder
  4. Rename syndeiaTutorial.mappings as syndeia.mappings
  5. When you have completed the mapping tutorial exercises, you may want to reverse this process to restore the original mappings file.
  • A mappings profile, SyndeiaTutorialMapping.mdzip, which is loaded like other profiles

Any Syndeia user can use or view the mapping specifications, but Syndeia requires a special license in addition to the regular Syndeia license in order to create, modify or delete mapping information. It is good practice to confine this duty to a very limited number of experienced users or system administrators, who will provide mappings for the general users. Some mappings require a special SysML stereotype to correctly transform attributes to or from a SysML element, so each mappings file should be paired with a SysML profile that holds the required stereotypes, as we have done here.

Many organizations customize their Jama installation, creating new artifact and relationship types for their purposes. This tutorial exercise uses common artifact types in a standard Jama installation, but you may need to adapt the instructions if these artifact types are not available to you. Prior to your doing this exercise, a user with the mapping license described above would need to register the new artifact types for mapping (as described in Exercise 7.7).


  1. Open the SysML project Syndeia_Jama_Mapping_Tutorial.mdzip, right-click the Jama package, and launch the Syndeia dashboard.
  2. Go to the Mappings tab. Initially, the window should appear similar to Figure 1. The first task will be to create a new mapping using existing artifacts.

    1. Right-click SysML-Jama under Mapping Groups in the left column and select Add Mapping
    2. Modify the Mapping
      1. Change Name to Activity – Test Case (no attributes)
      2. Change Description to SysML Activity – Jama Test Case with no attributes
      3. Change Source Artifact Type to Activity, using pull-down menu
      4. Set Target Artifact Type to Test Case, using pull-down menu
      5. Set Structure Level to NO_CHILDREN, using pull-down menu
      6. Set Include Attributes to Exclude Attributes, using pull-down menu
      7. The window should look similar to Figure 2.

      8. Click Save Mapping at bottom of right side (scroll down if necessary).
  3. Use the new Mapping you just created
    1. Go to the Connection Manager tab. Open a Jama repository in the right column.
    2. Drag the J2::Test_NewFeature activity in the SysML model into an empty set or component in Jama (Jama_Tutorial in this example).
    3. A small pull-down menu will appear on the Syndeia dashboard, as Figure 3, showing the possible mappings available for an activity dragged into Jama.

    4. Select Activity – Test Case (no attributes) and click OK.
    5. Expand the Jama_Tutorial component on the right side of the Connection Manager. Check that a new test case has been created in Jama.
  4. The second task is to create another new mapping, this one with attributes shared between the SysML and Jama elements. We will use the Clone Mapping command rather Add Mapping. Clone Mapping saves time when not all features of the new mapping need to be modified.
    1. Right-click Activity – Test Case (no Attributes) under Mapping Groups/SysML - Jama in the left column and select Clone Mapping
    2. Initially, the window should appear similar to Figure 4.

    3. Modify the Mapping
      1. Change Name to Activity – Test Case (attributes)
      2. Change Description to SysML Activity – Jama Test Case with attributes
      3. Keep Source Artifact Type as Activity and Target Artifact Type as Test Case
      4. Set Structure Level to NO_CHILDREN, using pull-down menu
      5. Set Include Attributes to Include Attributes, using pull-down menu
      6. At the bottom of the right side, click the + sign box under the Stereotypes table.
      7. A Select stereotype window will open. The window should look similar to Figure 5.

      8. Select Jama_Testcase. This choice will appear in the Select Stereotype box on the left.
      9. Scroll up to Attribute Definition Mappings
      10. Click Retrieve Available Attribute Definitions
      11. Click the + box below the Attribute Definition Mappings box.
      12. In the new row, select ID (documentKey) on the right (Target) side of the table, using the pull-down menu.
      13. In the new row, select id on the left (Source) side of the table.
      14. Repeat steps xi through xiii for Description and testCaseStatus. The final table should look like Figure 6.

      15. Click Save Mapping at bottom of right side (scroll down if necessary).
  5. Use the cloned Mapping you just created
    1. Go to the Connection Manager tab. Open the Jama repository you used above in the right column.
    2. Drag the Test_NewFeature Jama testcase created earlier into the empty SysML J4
    3. A small pull-down menu will appear on the Syndeia dashboard, as in Figure 7, showing the possible mappings available for an item dragged into SysML.

    4. Select Activity – Test Case (attributes) and click OK.
  6. A new activity (named Test_NewFeature) should appear under J4 on the SysML side. It will have the <<Jama_Testcase>> stereotype in addition to Activity and all the tag values associated with that stereotype. However, only the three Jama attributes mapped in the Activity – Test Case (Attributes) mapping have been populated in the SysML element from the Jama testcase (see Figure 8).

    Note that SysML activities do not normally have any place to receive the Jama attributes. Because the <<Jama_Testcase>> stereotype was chosen in the new mapping definition, the new activity was created with that additional stereotype and tag values ready to receive the desired Jama attributes.

  7. Modify the new SysML testcase J4::Test_NewFeature
    1. In the SysML model, open the specification for the testcase and add a description, like that shown in Figure 9. Do not use HTML formatting). Close the Specification window to keep the new description.

  8. Compare across the new testcase connection
    1. In the Syndeia dashboard, Connection Browser tab, find the connection from J4::Test_NewFeature
    2. Right-click and choose Compare Source & Target
    3. The Comparison Result tab should show a discrepancy in the description field, like that shown in Figure 10.

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