COPY-Test Cygwin Setup Instructions for Windows (2012-R2 x64)
Pre-Setup Instructions
1. Deploy a new standard Windows 2012-R2 x64 image on a physical or virtual machine (VM) or install from a Deployment Kit unattend.txt
script or install from media manually.
2. Setup forward & reverse DNS records on your DNS server (consult your IT admin/sysadmin if required) and set the hostname and primary DNS suffix on the machine itself if necessary (see Appendix B2.1)
Note: If required by your IT department, perform any other standard configuration (ie: create a separate admin account with a strong password, set timezone, date & time or set it to synchronize with an NTP server, etc.), server hardening (ie: disable default administrator logins, change default remote port (ex: RDP), install anti-brute force attack prevention software (ex: IPBan, RDPGuard), enable & configure local firewall, etc.).
Download, Install & Configure Cygwin
3. Download the latest Cygwin from
4. Proceed through the installation wizard as shown below:
Note: default is Proxy, change to "Direct Connection" if directly connected
5. On the package selection step, change the View to "Full" and filter the packages to add "cygutils-extra", "python27", "python27-pip", "unzip", and "wget".
6. Proceed through the rest of the installation:
7. Create the opt dir via Explorer or CMD.EXE
, ie: mkdir c:\cygwin64\opt
8. Add an inheritance-enabled ACL entry for "Administrators" with "Full Control" to c:\cygwin64
via Explorer or CMD.EXE
, ie: icacls c:\cygwin64 /grant Administrators:(OI)(CI)F /T /L /C
= Apply recursively, /L
= operate on symbolic link itself VS target, /C
= display any error message(s) and continue
9. Reboot
Using Cygwin
10. To use Cygwin, simply launch the Cygwin64 Terminal from the Start Menu or Desktop