Syndeia and Teamcenter / NX

Syndeia and Teamcenter / NX


Connect to one or more Teamcenter repositories 
Connect to one or more Teamcenter repositories (servers) in your organization by supplying the URL and your credentials.


View the contents of Teamcenter repositories 
View contents of Teamcenter repositories, such as folders, items / parts / requirements / requirement specs (and their revisions), and trace links directly from the Syndeia Dashboard.


Search Teamcenter repositories 
Search Teamcenter repositories for any item, such as item/part/requirement/spec, using item name or item id. View search results and drag-n-drop them to the SysML model.


Create Reference connections between SysML model elements and Teamcenter elements 
Drag-n-drop artifacts from any repository/tool to any Teamcenter repository element, such as item / part / requirement / requirement spec / paragraph (or their revisions), trace links, BOM lines, or folders, to create a reference connection. A reference connection is the most basic form of traceability between artifacts and Teamcenter repository elements. A reference connection can be used to check if the version of the Teamcenter item has changed.


Generate Teamcenter item structure from SysML block structure 
Drag-n-drop a SysML block to a Teamcenter folder to generate an item structure (items and item usages – BOM lines) in Teamcenter from the SysML block structure (blocks and part properties). This also creates connections between the SysML blocks and Teamcenter item revision that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Generate SysML block structure from Teamcenter item / part structure 
Drag-n-drop a Teamcenter item / part (or their revisions) to a SysML package to generate a block structure (blocks and part properties). This also creates connections between the SysML blocks and Teamcenter items / parts that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations.


Compare SysML block structure and Teamcenter item / part structure 
Invoke the Compare operation on connections between SysML blocks and Teamcenter items / parts to generate a difference table that shows the in-sync and out-of-sync aspects of the two structures.


Sync SysML block structure → Teamcenter item / part structure 
Invoke the Sync SysML → Target operation on connections between SysML blocks and Teamcenter items / parts to compare and update the Teamcenter item / part structure based on the SysML block structure, such as rename / addition / removal of item / part usages (BOM lines) in Teamcenter items / parts.


Sync Teamcenter item / part structure → SysML block structure 
Invoke the Sync Target -> SysML operation on connections between SysML blocks and Teamcenter items / parts to compare and update the SysML block structure based on the Teamcenter item / part structure (BOM lines), such as rename / addition / removal of part properties in SysML blocks.


Generate Teamcenter requirement / requirement spec / paragraph structure and populate properties from SysML requirement structure and properties 
Drag-n-drop a SysML requirement to a Teamcenter folder to generate a requirement structure (including requirement specs, paragraphs, and requirements) in Teamcenter from the SysML requirement structure. This also creates connections between the SysML requirements and Teamcenter requirement / specs / paragraphs that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations. Select the option to generate trace links in Teamcenter from SysML dependencies (e.g. satisfy or derive).


Generate SysML requirement structure and populate properties from Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure and properties 
Drag-n-drop a Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement (or their revision) to a SysML package to generate a SysML requirement structure. This also creates connections between the SysML requirements and Teamcenter requirement / specs / paragraphs that can be used for compare and bi-directional sync operations. Select this option to generate dependencies in SysML from trace links in Teamcenter.


Compare SysML requirement structure and Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure, including properties 
Invoke the Compare operation on connections between SysML blocks and Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure to generate a difference table that shows the in-sync and out-of-sync aspects of the two structures.


Sync SysML requirement structure and properties --> Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure and properties
Invoke the _Sync SysML -> Target_ operation on connections between SysML requirements and Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement to compare and update the Teamcenter requirement structure based on the SysML requirement structure, such as rename / addition / removal of child requirement specs / paragraphs / requirements in the Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement.


Sync Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure and properties --> SysML requirement structure and properties
Invoke the _Sync Target -> SysML_ operation on connections between SysML requirements and Teamcenter requirement specs / paragraphs / requirement to compare and update the SysML requirement structure based on the Teamcenter requirement spec / paragraph / requirement structure, such as rename / addition / removal of child requirements in the SysML requirement.


View NX CAD models in Teamcenter 
View datasets associated with an item/part revision. Expand datasets to view files. Expand NX CAD models (prt files) to view the part-assembly structure. Create reference connections between SysML model elements, such as blocks, and part/components in the NX CAD model.


Generate SysML block structure from NX part structure in Teamcenter
Drag-n-drop a NX part/assembly structure from Teamcenter to generate SysML block structure. This also brings mass properties (such as mass, volume, surface area, density, center-of-gravity, and bounding box dimensions) of NX parts to SysML, and provides options to generate part features and feature expressions/attributes in SysML. It also creates a connection between SysML blocks and NX parts for downstream compare and sync operations.


Drag-n-drop an existing SysML block/requirement to a Teamcenter item / part / requirement / spec (or vice versa) to create connections for downstream compare/sync.

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