Migration of Syndeia 3.3 to Syndeia 3.4

This section describes the process for migrating from Syndeia Cloud (SC) 3.3 SP1 (v3.3.2021-01-27) to Syndeia Cloud 3.4 or the latest service pack.

Currently have Syndeia v3.2? Please start with https://intercax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYN33/pages/1447985434

Currently have Syndeia v3.3 before any of its Service Packs? Please start with https://intercax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SYN33/pages/2002780168 (The Syndeia Build Identifier would be 3.3.2020-07-30.2)

2-3 Hours, Estimated time to complete the procedure, including time to upload the build at 6 mbps

To get started with the migration process, make sure you have the syndeia-cloud-3.4-migration.zip bundle.

All the utilities used for the migration process are included in this bundle.

If you do not have the syndeia-cloud-3.4-migration.zip bundle, visit Intercax.com/Help and request support for a v3.3 to v3.4 migration.

The Syndeia Cloud 3.3 → 3.4 migration process involves these Stages: