Users' Workstations and Floating Licenses

Although you have elected to have an Intercax Reprise License Manager that hands out floating license seats to each Syndeia Plugin and although each user does not need a specific Syndeia license for their use of Syndeia when they have one of the floating seats, as an administrator of Syndeia, you still need to tell each workstation that will be used to run Syndeia where to find the license server.

The Syndeia Plugin looks in the User’s Home Directory for a .syndeia folder. Within that folder, it looks for one and only one file that ends with the suffix “.LIC”.

The contents of that file tell the workstation’s running Syndeia Plugin where to locate a floating license server. (If you think you have the right file but it contains MAC addresses and dates and License statements - surprise, that is the wrong file.)

Here’s what one looks like:

HOST ANY 5053 ISV intercax

At Intercax, we refer to this as your “Client License File”; Reprise documentation refers to this as your Floating Template.lic file.

You create this file for your team - it does not come from Intercax.

Your entire team that is using the same license server needs only one copy of this file. Store it in Sharepoint or bundle it with your Cameo installation script. Make sure each user, who will be using desktop Syndeia, has a copy of this file in their personal .syndeia directory.

Now go back to and make sure the license server itself is installed, running, and licensed with the server license file.