Download, Install, and Setup Neo4j

Intercax can only provide limited support for the selection, installation, configuration, and support of Neo4j. A good resource is the Neo4j Customer Support portal at

  1. Obtain a version of a Neo4j server that is compatible with the Neo4j Java Driver included with your installation of the Syndeia Plugin.

    1. Syndeia 3.3 :: neo4j-java-driver-1.1.0-M01 :: Supports Neo4j Community Edition v3.0 and v3.1

    2. Syndeia 3.4 :: neo4j-java-driver-1.7.5 :: Supports Neo4j Enterprise Edition v3.5.17

    3. note that at the time of publication of this tutorial, Neo4j Community Edition and Enterprise Edition v4.* servers are not yet supported.

  2. Download and install Neo4j from one or more of the following sites


    2. Neo4j Java Driver Wiki

    3. Download Neo4j Desktop

  3. Start Neo4j

    1. Startup will vary based on the version installed.

      1. For example, here the user starts a v3.0 Community Edition server and selects a folder in the user's computer for the Database Location.


        1. Specify the location of the database when starting Neo4j

        2. Click on the Start button.

      2. For Neo4j Desktop and a Neo4j v3.5.17 Enterprise Edition, the user adds a Local DBMS and configures its connection parameters.

  4. Once the database is started, navigate to the HTTP service of that database. For example, here, the user navigates to http://localhost:7474/browser/ because that is the server of the local PC and the port the user chose for the Neo4j server. You’ll be prompted to enter the credentials. The default user name and password is both neo4j and you may be prompted to change it.

  5. Once you enter the credentials, you’ll see the Neo4j browser, where you may enter Cypher commands in a textbox that starts with the $ sign (as shown below).


    1. Troubleshooting Tips:

      1. Understand that the HTTP/S web service for Neo4j uses Port 7474 but the BOLT programmatic service uses Port 7687.

      2. Firewalls might block these ports. Ask your IT staff for assistance in determining which ports are allocated to Neo4j

      3. Administrators might have chosen different ports. Ask your IT staff or check the port settings in Neo4j desktop for which ports are allocated to Neo4j


  6. To test that the Neo4j server is operational, run the simple Cypher query, match ( n ) return n;

    1. If the Neo4j service is not performing as expected, do not continue the tutorial. Visit the Neo4j Customer Support site to diagnose the issues. If the service is not operational, Syndeia will not be able to interact with it.

    2. Make a note of the proper URL, port, and user credentials for proper access to the Neo4j instance.

  7. Neo4j browser is ready for Cypher commands and a reference card for that query language is available at

  8. You will enter the connection parameters into Syndeia Plugin in the next part of the tutorial but first you will get the modeling tool ready for the settings.

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