Using Syndeia with Teamcenter and Windchill

Using Syndeia with Teamcenter and Windchill

This section provides details on configuring the Syndeia Cameo plugin when integrating with both Windchill and Teamcenter. Windchill and Teamcenter APIs provides *.jar files that may conflict with each other. The instructions provided here are specifically aimed at avoiding this conflict, and enabling users to use Syndeia’s integrations with Windchill and Teamcenter simultaneously.


1/ Refer to the Pre-Requisites and notes on the following pages for Teamcenter and Windchill respectively.

2/ The instructions here are applicable when using Cameo 2022x and above, with Java 11.x or higher installed by default with Cameo. You can verify the Java version used by your Cameo installation using the Help → About Cameo Enterprise Architecture (or System Modeler) menu and selecting the Environment tab, as shown below.

Checking the Java version used by your Cameo installation


1/ Collect the Teamcenter jar files, as described on this page Using Syndeia with Teamcenter. The output of this step will be the libTC folder with Teamcenter jar files.

2/ Rename the libTC folder to libTCShared

3/ Collect the Windchill jar files, as described on this page: Using Syndeia with Windchill, except the following:

  • All Windchill jar files can be in a single folder, specifically libWCShared. You do not need to maintain two separate folders (libWC and libWCx) as documented on that page.

  • The changes requested in cameoea.properties file (or magicdraw.properties file) are NOT required.

4/ Stop Cameo if it is running on your machine.

5/ Copy both the libTCShared and libWCShared folders to the Syndeia plugin installation folder in your Cameo installation:

<Your Cameo Installation>\plugins\com.intercax.syndeia.md, e.g.

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Cameo Enterprise Architecture\2022x\plugins\com.intercax.syndeia.md

  • Mac OS X: /Applications/Cameo Enterprise Architecture 2022x/plugins/com.intercax.syndeia.md

6/ Update the vm.options file located in the bin folder of your Cameo installation (e.g. <Your Cameo Installation>\bin\vm.options), as below.

  • If you are using Cameo with Java 11, as verified in the Pre-Requisites section above, add the following 1 line to the vm.options file and save it.

--add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED
  • If you are using Cameo with Java 17, as verified in the Pre-Requisites section above, add the following 6 lines to the vm.options file and save it.

    • Note that these are also mentioned in step 9 of the Syndeia plugin installation instructions for Cameo 2024x (uses Java 17): Install Syndeia plugin. So, if you have already done this, you can skip this step.

--add-exports java.desktop/com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.desktop/sun.awt.shell=ALL-UNNAMED

7/ Start Cameo.

For additional details, refer to the following:


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