Users for a Digital Thread Project

Syndeia Web Dashboard capabilities for managing user privileges for a given Digital Thread Project are presented on this page.

User privileges for a specific Digital Thread Project can be managed by following users or roles / permissions. Refer to to learn more.

  • Super User (super.user), OR

  • Any user with PRIVILEGE_MANAGE permission on the given Digital Thread Project.


Add User Privileges

Follow the steps below to add user privileges for the given Digital Thread Project.

(1) Go to the Digital Thread Projects menu in the main menu bar of the Syndeia Web Dashboard. You will see a list of Digital Thread Projects accessible to you, as also shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Digital Thread Projects

(2) Select a specific Digital Thread Project. This will open the Digital Thread Project Dashboard for the selected project. Go to the Settings tab. The Manage Privileges section under the Settings tab shows the users and their permissions on the given Digital Thread Project, as shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Digital Thread Project - Settings

(3) Click on the Add Privileges button to add privileges for users (who currently don’t have privileges) for the given Digital Thread Project.

(4) A new window will open for adding user privileges. Select the permissions for users whose privileges are being added to the given Digital Thread Project.

(5) Select the users whose privileges need to be added to the given Digital Thread Project, as shown in Figure 4 below.

  • Click on the Users field to view a drop down with all Users.

  • Start typing text (e.g. Syndeia) contained in the names of Users to get a filtered list of Users.

  • Select one more Users.


(6) Click on the Apply button, as shown in Figure 5.

(7) The list of selected users and permissions for each will be listed in a table, as shown in Figure 6 below. Repeat Steps 4-6 as needed, for other users.

(7) When done, click on the Save button to add privileges for the selected users to the given Digital Thread Project. Verify in the Manage Privileges section in the Settings tab of the given Digital Thread Project that user privileges have been added, as shown in Figure 7 below.

Modify User Privileges

Follow the steps below to modify user privileges for a specific Digital Thread Project.

(1) In the Manage Privileges section, click on the pencil icon image-20240420-201359.png to select the user whose privileges need to be modified, as also shown in Figure 8 below.

(2) Add or remove Digital Thread Project permissions for the selected user, as shown in Figure 9 below. Click on the Update button when done.

(4) In the Manage Privileges section, verify that the user privileges for the selected Digital Thread Project have been modified, as shown in Figure 10.

Remove User Privileges

Follow the steps below to remove user privileges for a given Digital Thread Project.

(1) In the Manage Privileges section, click on the delete icon image-20240420-202632.pngfor any user to remove their privileges for the given Digital Thread Project, as shown in Figure 11 below.

(2) Click on the Remove button to confirm, as shown in Figure 12 below.


(3) In the Manage Privileges section, verify that user privileges have been removed, as shown in Figure 13.